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Logan steadied me as I wobbled in through the front door. The last drop of energy I had left had drained away. All the torment, sleepless nights and lack of meals had caught up with me and all I wanted was Logans bed.

His arm was wrapped around my shoulders, guiding me through the foyer. "I'm ok," I told him despite the dampness of my cheeks from crying the entire journey home. "Just tired," I told him.

Ignoring me completely, he continued to walk me through the house and turned before the stairs to guide me down the hallway. "Wait, where are we going?" I asked him, slowing to a stop.

"The hospital," he told me.

"Logan," I whined, grabbing his arm and halting him while he tried to drag me forward. "I want to go to bed, please."

His jaw clenched as he looked down at me, clear indecisiveness flickering across his face. "I need to make sure you're okay," he stated before once again moving towards the hallway.

"I am," I told him confidently. "I just want to sleep."

He drew in a long, deep breath as he turned back around, his hands curled into fists and his stance rigid. "Mia," he grumbled in warning.

"Logan," I said back.

"Fine," he grit out between his teeth, nodding his head sharply. "But first thing tomorrow you are going straight to the hospital for checks."

I nodded in agreement, forcing myself to keep the victorious smile off my face as he retook my hand and lead me up the stairs. The fact that he had allowed me to make my own decisions proved that things were changing and while it was a simple thing, I appreciated it greatly.

When we finally reached Logans room, the sleepiness I felt increased at the sight of his bed. The soft covers were tossed messily over the bed and sheets of paper and clutter littered the floor. I turned to Logan and rose an eyebrow.

"I was angry," he muttered, shaking his head and guiding me across the room towards the bathroom. "I'll tidy up while you have a bath."

I smiled, the idea of sinking into a tub of soapy hot water sounding completely perfect. Logan lowered the seat to the toilet and gently seated me on it before turning on the water and holding his hand beneath it until steam filled the room.

I started to unbutton the jacket that Logan had earlier draped over me to cover me up. My muscles were sore and aching after sleeping on a mattress about as soft as a rock for the past two weeks.

"I stink," I muttered, the stench of sweat and just generally foul body odour reaching my nose. I turned my nose up in disgust and caught sight of myself in the mirror, a frown forming on my face. My matted hair was a frizzy mane around my face and mascara smudged my cheeks. "And I look awful," I added, noting my pasty face, chapped lips and dull eyes.

"You still look beautiful to me," he said, glancing over at me out the corner of his eyes, a small smile on his face.

"Someone's gone soft," I muttered under my breath.

It didn't take long before he was towering over me, his fingers hooking under my chin and lifting my face so our eyes locked. "I blame you," he grumbled, leaning in to kiss me.

I turned away at the last second, blush fanning my cheeks. His lips landed on my cheek before he pulled away and frowned. "Whats wrong?"

I bit my lip and slipped past him, lowering into the warm water that he had poured plenty of soap into. "I haven't brushed my teeth in two weeks," I muttered, turning up my nose at the thought.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm going to clear up a bit," he said and I nodded, in pure bliss as I sunk further into the hot water, feeling my muscles relax as I did.

After half an hour, Logan returned, grabbing a large towel off the rail and helping me out of the bath. The towel was soon engulfing my body and I was pulled closer to Logans large, warm chest.

An overwhelming wave of tiredness hit me and I could feel my knees weakening beneath me. I let out an exhausted yawn and clung to Logan a little tighter, resting most of my weight on him while he rubbed at my hair until it was mostly dried.

He slowly manoeuvred us into the bedroom and the second my bare thighs hit the side of the bed, I collapsed onto it. "I missed this bed," I mumbled into the bed sheets, my eyes drooping.

"You'll be able to sleep in two minutes," Logan mumbled above me, rocking my shoulder with his hand for a second to keep me awake.

With all the effort I could muster, I held my upper body up long enough for him to slide one of his t-shirts over me. "That's better," I heard him mutter before I was lifted into his arms and placed back onto the bed.

With my eyes still closed, I sunk into the warm bed while Logan pulled the covers up over me, tucking them around my neck. A soft kiss landed on the top of my head, leaving a smile on my face before I drifted into a deep slumber.


Despite my exhaustion and how comfortable Logans bed was, I awoke early the next morning, tears in my eyes as the memories from the past few weeks hovered in my mind, even after I had left my haunting dream.

Beside me, Logan lay peacefully, his arms clinging at the covers that were now crumpled where my body was moments ago. I shuffled off the bed and shivered from the biting cold.

I quietly entered the walk in closet and rummaged around for something warm to throw on. I still didn't really have any clothes here but I found a large hoodie at the back of Logans clothes that completely swamped me.

With a satisfied smile, I crept back into the bedroom to see Logan still sleeping. I shuffled towards the large window at the back of the room, overlooking the mansions huge garden and then the surrounding fields with houses dotted around in the distance.

A crisp layer of frost lined the grass and the sky was a swirl of greys and white. As I stared out at the scenery, my vision began to blur as tears filled my eyes and I allowed them to fall silently. I wasn't sure how long I stood in the window, my salty tears flowing down my cheeks, but eventually, a pair of arms came around my waist. "What's wrong?" Logans soft voice asked in my ear.

I reached up to quickly swipe away my tears and shook my head. "Nothing."


He only had to whisper my name, his tone soft and pleading, and I broke into another round of sobs. I turned to nuzzle my face against his large chest to muffle my cries and clung to him tightly.

"I'm sorry," I whispered after a while, shaking my head again and wiping my eyes.

"It's okay," he whispered, "you're safe now."

"I was so scared," I muttered under my breath, hating to admit how weak I truly was. "I thought I was brave but I'm not."

Logan was suddenly dragging me over to the bed and settling me down beside him. "You are brave, darling," he stated in a strong voice.

I simply shook my head, shivering just from the thought of being back in that dark, damp room at night where the only sounds were the cries of all the girls around me.

"Being fearless isn't the same as being brave," Logan whispered in my ear, cradling me like a child in his arms. "You got through it, thats what makes you brave."

"Only because you saved me," I mumbled in argument.

"That's how you got out," he corrected me, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear and kissing my forehead. "Not how you got through it."

He didn't speak another word, simply moved me back onto the bed and threw the covers over the both of us so I was folded up in his arms.

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