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It took me a long time to compose myself and leave the quiet hallway. I fetched my sisters drink before standing outside the door to her room, attempting to steady my breathing. When I entered, I told them there had been a long queue and they weren't the least bit suspicious. I tried my best to act normal and chatted with my father and sister for a little while longer. Neither of them seemed to notice the fact my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

I ended up with about forty-five minutes with my family, much longer than I expected. Logan barged into the room, gaze zeroing in on me. "Let's go," he demanded. Seeing him made my heartbeat quicken. I wondered if that man was still here, loitering around in hopes of getting an opportunity.

The thought scared me and I nodded, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. Logan's eyes left mine and searched the room. "Where's my soldier? I sent him with you," he suddenly hissed, his eyes darkening.

"I told him to leave," my dad answered when I hesitated, "if there was anyone here, I'd protect my daughters myself." There was a smirk on his face when Logan only grew angrier.

I thought I was going to be sick when the realisation settled in. Logan predicted that someone would be here. He prepared for it. He had his men everywhere, including with me, so that nothing could happen. And my father had sent the guard away and now, Logan's life and my sisters were on the line. And I had to choose who to save.

I felt the tears well in my eyes and glanced up, blinking them away as inconspicuously as possible. Meanwhile, Logan stepped forward and glared down at my father who was a few inches smaller. "You went against my orders?" He questioned, clenching his fists at his sides.

"Mia was safe with me," he stated confidently. "She deserved some time with her family without one of your minions watching her every move."

I saw the restraint in Logan's eyes wither and cleared my throat, gaining his attention. "I'm ready to go," I told him, raising an eyebrow in a silent plead not to start something with my father. I was scared I would break right there and then.

Logan looked a little surprised but nodded. "Let's go," he said.

I turned quickly and hugged my sister. "I love you," I whispered in her ear before pulling away. I hugged my dad quickly as well before following Logan out of the room. I scanned the hallways instantly, twitching with nerves. "Will my sister be discharged?" I asked Logan as we slid into the car.

"Yes, the doctors said she's fine."

I nodded. The last place I wanted her was in there. With an enemy who had a gun on him. She needed to get home as soon as possible. "Did you really think that something might've happened there?" I managed to ask him, far too much emotion in my voice.

He looked at me curiously. "Going after the capo's daughter is a weak move. It's a pathetic attack. I had to consider the possibility that it was an ambush."

I nodded, unable to respond because of the lump in the back of my throat. I couldn't help but wonder if that was why Logan had refused to allow me to visit initially. Could it have been to keep me safe?

I discarded the thought immediately. That would imply that Logan valued my life; maybe even cared about me. And I needed to believe otherwise. I needed to think of him as the asshole that took me from my family solely to make my father feel weak and powerless. I had to remember what kind of man he was: one that killed and tortured people just for the sake of it.

I made a list in my mind of every awful thing he'd done, repeating it over and over so I didn't fall apart. My sister deserved to live. She was a good person, innocent. I shouldn't feel even an ounce of guilt for choosing her over the ruthless mafia leader. And I didn't. At least, that's what I told myself the entire ride home.

When we got back to the house, I ran off ahead of Logan, rushing through to the bathroom and throwing up my breakfast. I finally cried. Heavily. I sobbed and wretched for about ten minutes, before slumping to the floor, completely empty and broken. My chest ached. My eyes were sore and crusty. My throat burned.

I struggled to lift myself off the floor and carry myself back to my room. When I finally managed, I started at the sight of Logan standing in the doorway. I jumped, my heart pattering in my chest when I realised that he'd followed me up. He knew.

He narrowed his eyes, stepping into the room so the door fell closed behind him. "What's wrong?" He asked, folding his arms over his chest and scrutinising me.

I shook my head, starting to cry again. I desperately needed to get it together but I felt as though my heart was ripping apart in my chest. "I just...," I shook my head and collapsed onto the bed, sitting in front of him and staring at his feet. I couldn't look him in the eye.

He stepped forward. "What is it, Mia?" He asked, his voice softer than I'd ever heard it.

I sobbed, choking on the lies as they spouted. "I'm just worried about my sister," I forced out, "what if someone does go to the hospital? Or back to the house to finish what they started?" I cried harder. What if I failed and got my sister killed? Or what if I succeeded and get you killed?

He stepped forwards again before crouching, coming into my line of sight. My heart stopped beating when he reached forwards and cupped my face in his large hands. "Your sister is okay, Mia," he told me, his tone adamant. "Your father is staying with her until she goes home and he has plenty of security. She'll be okay."

Why couldn't he have yelled at me? Told me I was being pathetic? Anything except comfort and reassure me. It was destroying me.

I continued to sob, shaking my head at his words. He had no idea. "I just... I wish I could know for sure," I cried, pulling my face from his hands. I didn't want him to touch me. It would only make this harder. "I should be there," I snapped at him, forcing a sneer onto my lips. "I should be with her. I'd know she was safe if I could see her-." Time to plant the seed. "-or at least speak to her! You won't even let me speak to her."

I buried my face in my hands, hiding the guilt I felt. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I couldn't believe I had to do this. I sobbed loudly, although not for the reason Logan thought. He was silent for a long time and I felt panic stir in my gut. What if he didn't give in? What if he refused to give me my phone back? A part of me hoped he would because at least then, I could be mad at him. I could convince myself he deserves my betrayal.

"Alright," he finally muttered and I felt sick again. "You can have your phone to speak to your sister until all this blows over. But only until then, understood?"

My heart finally broke.

I pulled my hands away, morphing my expression into what I hoped looked like relief and confusion. "Really?" I asked, blinking in an attempt to remove the tears in my eyes. He was just a blur in front of me at this point but I managed to see him nod.

It required every muscle in my face to force a smile. "Thank you," I said.

I don't know why but I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my cheek against his chest. "Thank you," I whispered again. He tensed before his arms slowly came around me. It felt safe in his arms. It felt intimate. This was more than sex on his desk. This was the first time I'd genuinely felt like I liked Logan Sternato.

And I was about to kill him.

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