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Logan probably thought I was an obedient little girl as I sat perfectly still on his knee while he worked, barely even breathing. He probably thought I had learnt to behave how he wanted me to in the short time I had lived with him and was feeling smug right about now.

But the truth was I was frozen. The shock of my position seemed to have stiffened all my muscles and all I could do was sit and stare straight ahead of me, desperately trying to ignore the hand that was inching up my thigh.

My jaw trembled as his fingers travelled further and further up my leg and I found myself clenching my thighs to block his entrance.

Seconds later, Logans lips pressed against the crook of my neck in a smirk and I tensed completely. His other hand dropped the pen and curled around me to rest on the sensitive spot just below my breast.

"Logan," I whispered, my breath faltering, "what did you want?"

"Now what part of be silent didn't you understand?" He asked in a growl.

"Which part of I didn't want to be somebody's sex toy did you not understand?" I growled right back, brushing his hand off me.

"Trust me Mia, this is nothing." His hand slammed right back down on my leg and I whimpered a little, more from the shock than the pain. "I really do suggest you start behaving because you are treading on incredibly thin ice."

"Just tell me why I am here?" I pleaded quietly. It wasn't my intention to piss him off, I just wanted answers.

"I need to see whether you really have learnt your lesson or if I would be better off putting you in the next auction an allying gang participate in," he explained casually, the words rolling off his tongue like we were close friends chatting. "So, I have a visitor coming to speak to me any second and he is in the trafficking business. You are going to stay right where you are and do as your told and if you do, I won't have to make a deal with him before he leaves regarding your future."

My heart thundered in my chest at his words. Although Logan was an ass, I knew the creeps he did business with were all going to be old slime-balls with perverted fantasies about teenage girls and I was not prepared to become their victim.

I had met men like that before, when my father had to do business with them. He now kept us locked away when they had house meetings but when we were younger, we would often go to see my dad and end up the subject of creepy ogling.

"Are we clear, Mia?" He growled.


He went back to his work for another fifteen minutes before the phone at his desk rang. Before answering, he stacked the papers he was working on and slid them into a file, dropping them into his top drawer before locking it.

"Yes?" He finally answered sharply and I felt bad for whoever was calling.

"Mr Lerch is here, Sir. Shall I send him up?" A woman's voice asked. It was quiet and weak and I could imagine a young girl who, like me, had been ripped from her home for one reason or another.

"Yes," he replied and I was itching to scold him on his lack of manners but somehow, I didn't imagine that going well. He ended the call and leant back in his seat, keeping me pinned against him. "The rules are simple, don't look up unless I tell you to, don't speak without permission and when you do speak, show respect. Understood?"

"Yes." I whispered, lowering my gaze to his desk.

"Good." I could hear his victorious smirk in his voice but before I could snap at him, there was a knock at the door.

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