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It was like a switch had been flipped. That one word was all he needed to hear and now I'd said it, I was his to do with as he pleased. His eyes roamed along my body, down my legs that were still resting on his shoulders until they landed on my pussy.

"You're soaked," he observed, his breathing harsh. A lazy smirk crossed his lip when his eyes continued their journey up my body, landing on my hardened nipples that were even visible through my sweatshirt. "You're filthier than I realised," he commented, finally meeting my eyes, "take the sweater off. I want to see the body that belongs to me."

Despite the fact my pussy was bare to him right now and my legs were spread, giving him a good view of everything, I felt a wave of shyness wash over me. Nobody had ever seen me like this before. I'd never been naked for anyone. I might've been a virgin but I wasn't completely innocent, I'd fooled around with a couple of guys from college in my freshman year. But that had always been drunken make-out sessions or a quick finger under my dress that I didn't really remember the next morning.

I'd never been exposed like this.

"Now, Mia!" Logan barked, pulling my mind out of my panic. I reached down and grabbed the hem of my sweatshirt, pulling it off of me in one swift movement and leaving me completely bare. Logan smirked down at me wickedly, taking his time to study every inch of my naked body while he unfastened his tie. Once it was loose enough, he slid it over his head and reached over me. He positioned his knees either side of my thighs and grabbed my wrists in one of his hands, moving them above my head.

My breath caught in my throat when I felt the silk material wrap around my wrists before he connected them to the headboard above me. "There," he commented, studying me, "perfect." I shouldn't have blushed from the compliment, but for some reason, it caused a warmth in my chest that I chose to ignore.

His lips reconnected with mine before I could say anything and I squirmed on the bed, testing the binds to find no give. One of his hands snaked down to my breast and he brushed over the skin lightly, barely touching me before his thumb pressed against my nipple. I whimpered at the feeling; they were so sensitive already.

"You have no idea how good you look right now," Logan groaned into my mouth. His hand continued to venture further down, dragging over my navel before dipping down between my legs. "So wet for me," he murmured.

I felt his fingers press against my opening before running up and down over my pussy lips, gathering my juices on his fingers. After a couple of strokes, his pace quickened, rubbing my opening with quick, rough strokes that had me panting beneath him. I could feel my clit throbbing, begging for attention and, almost as if he knew, he lifted his fingers and pinched it. My scream was silenced by another kiss and already, I could feel pleasure start to build up in my stomach.

His lips moved away from mine once again, leaving them raw and swollen. He trailed kissed down my neck, paying extra attention to where I was certain there were marks already beginning to form. He lowered his sinful mouth further until it clasped around my left nipple. He started to suck on it, making me writhe beneath him and moan at the feeling of his warm mouth on my breast and his finger circling my clit.

His movements were fast and rough. His teeth bit down on my nipple and I couldn't help but cry out, pleasure and pain blurring into one. "Logan," I panted breathlessly, pushing my hips into the bed to try and provide my clit with some sort of relief. It was burning from his brutal, punishing fingers but I couldn't get away.

I didn't think it could get any more intense as I gasped and writhed beneath him. But then he forced two fingers inside of me without warning and I cried out, feeling them curl inside of me before he pulled them out and thrust them in again. I rocked my hips to meet every thrust, feeling my walls swallow his fingers. "Oh god," I screamed when he added a third, stretching me out. I'd never had more than one finger inside of me and it felt so tight, I couldn't breathe. Still, his thumb rubbed circles around my clit and his mouth sucked and bit at my nipples. It was all too much to take and my orgasm quickly started to build.

"You're so fucking tight," Logan groaned, curling his fingers inside of me to rub against my walls. I bucked, thrashing beneath him. "How are you ever going to take my dick?"

I whined, the intense pleasure rocking through me like the best kind of torture. I was getting closer and closer to falling apart and I chased the feeling. Nobody had ever made me orgasm. Because nobody had ever touched me like Logan was. Like they wanted me to feel pleasure. Like they needed me to feel pleasure. Nobody had ever owned my body like this before and it sent me over the edge.

"It better be my name that you scream when you cum," Logan growled in warning. With his dark, lust filled eyes fixated on me, I thrust my hips up just as his fingers plunged back inside of me, pressing against my G-spot and making me come undone. My toes curled as I let out a tortured moan, erupting beneath his fingers. My whole body convulsed and shook, completely at Logan's mercy. My eyes rolled into the back of my head; my breathing uncontrollable. Logans fingers continued to work my pussy, not letting my orgasm end. "Please," I begged him, still spasming under his watch.

He finally pulled his finger out of me, leaving me to feel empty, and I dropped my head back onto the pillows in relief. A layer of sweat coated my skin and my clit and nipples were sore from being used. I let my eyes fall closed when Logan finally removed his hand from me completely. I took the opportunity to catch my breath. When I opened them again, I felt my cheeks heat as the sight of him sucking my release from his fingers. "Open up," Logan ordered, a spark in his eyes as he held his fingers in front of me, licking any residue off his lips.

My mind was completely dazed and all I could do was blink back at him. "Open!" He barked again, pressing his fingers against the crevice of my lips and forcing them apart. Instantly I could taste my own salty fluids. "Lick them clean," Logan instructed, his eyes darkening when I obeyed and began to suck on the digits, gliding my tongue up and down each finger until they were clean. "Good girl," he said as he removed his fingers. He untied my wrists. "Get some rest." He rose from the bed and my eyes fell on the bulge in the front of his pants. He looked massive and I swallowed at the sight, my mouth suddenly dry. He smirked at the expression on my face before turning away.

"Next time I won't go so easy on you."

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