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I spent the night tossing and turning, unable to take my mind off everything that had changed so drastically. I couldn't help but wonder what the next day would have in store. What did Logan have planned? What was he going to do with me?

When the sun finally rose the next morning, I had dark bags beneath my eyes and I felt sick to my stomach. That was, until, a small cooked breakfast was delivered to the door. Theguard from last night winked at me as he set it down on my dresser.

"Breakfast miss," he announced, his face straight.

"Does that come with bacon?" I asked.





"Y-no. Sorry." He sent me an apologetic smile before setting down the food and turning to leave.

"Can you at least stay and talk to me?" I asked with a sigh.

"Sorry, bosses orders are not to speak to you at all. I would lose a limb if I stayed," he answered, guilt washing over his face.

"Fine." I groaned.

He shot me another sad smile. "Gavin, by the way," he introduced.

"Mia," I told him before he nodded swiftly and left the room.

Silently, I shuffled across the room to the plate of food and nibbled at it slowly, knowing if I finished soon, I would be bored once again. If only Logan had allowed me to keep my phone so I could call Ashley or my friends or play games or something... anything.

I held onto the knowledge that someone was bound to attack the mansion sooner or later. Logan was an asshole who must've had plenty of dangerous enemies that wanted him dead, and as soon as he was, I could leave.

All I had to do was wait.

Fortunately, after I'd finished my breakfast, I didn't have much time to dwell on the fact I'd lost my freedom because my things from home had arrived. Boxes and boxes of clothes and toiletries and decorations from my room at home filled the hallway outside and Gavin helped me bring them inside. It was clear that my dad and sister had packed my things because they'd included family photographs and trinkets that they knew I would've wanted.

It made the morning much more enjoyable, going through all of my things and decorating my room to make it feel more like my own. However, it served as a reminder that this was permanent. I wouldn't be returning home any time soon.

I'd nearly finished filling the bathroom with all my shampoos and creams and perfumes when I was interrupted by a knock at the door. I sighed before shuffling over to the slab of wood between me and freedom. "Hello?"

A young-looking man, probably of a similar age to me, stood before me. He was extremely good looking with neatly combed hair and an easy smile, yet somehow, I found myself comparing him to Logans rugged handsomeness and hard exterior.

He may have an appealing exterior but, on the inside, he is rotten mush, I reminded myself.

"Good morning miss. The boss requests to see you in his office so as soon as you are ready, I will take you." He smiled politely and spoke professionally and I decided that I quite liked him.

"May as well go now and get it over with." I shrugged and closed the door behind me.

"I recommend removing your attitude when you see the boss miss-."

"Mia," I corrected.

"Mia, he isn't in the best of moods and I don't recommend angering him further." His words didn't come across as a lecture, but as friendly advice.

"Brilliant." I rolled my eyes and sent him a sarcastic smile which he returned with a raised eyebrow.

We carried on down the extensive hallway until we finally came across a pair of oak double doors that were pressed closed and guarded heavily. The boy turned to me and raised an eyebrow before knocking and pushing the door open before slowly stepping inside with me trailing behind him.

The room was wallpapered in a dark brown colour yet bright lights overhead and a window against the far wall brightened it up enough to not make it feel dim. A huge mahogany desk stood, strong and sturdy, in the centre of the far wall and behind it, Logan sat with his eyes cast down. He didn't even lift his gaze as we entered and I looked to the boy who accompanied me to see him waiting patiently.

I cleared my throat, interrupting the silence and after getting a glare from the boy, I watched Logan raise his head. "You wanted to see me?" I snapped impatiently but Logans expression was his usual stone hard one - giving nothing away.

Painfully slow, he dragged his soulless eyes off me and onto the other person in the room. "Thank you, Henry, you can go." His tone left no room for discussion and if I was completely honest, his thank you didn't sound very sincere.

Henry nodded quickly and turned to leave, avoiding eye contact while my own eyes followed him out the room. I winced when the large door swung closed and suddenly the air in the room felt thicker.

It took me until then to realise I was completely alone in the home of Logan Sternato - the biggest mafia leader in America and the most dangerous in the world.

I tried to calm my racing pulse and turned slowly back to see his eyes narrowed slightly at me while his face was rock hard. "Sit." It wasn't a request; it was an order. His deep, harsh voice was sharp and demanding and I had to swallow down my fear to meet his cold, daring eyes.

"I'm not a dog." I told him, crossing my arms defiantly. "Try asking nicely." I tried to match his tone and left no room for argument but my voice didn't have the strength and arctic coldness his did.

His eyebrows rose a fraction, but other than that, he gave nothing away. "Sit. Now." His tone was even more intimidating than before with the threat of danger pouring from his icy voice.

His dark eyes were glued to mine, waiting patiently for my response. They twitched to my right where an armchair stood a few feet from me and then back to my eyes, daring me.

I grit me teeth to stop any remarks from spilling from my lips and grinned sarcastically before taking the seat. I jumped onto it, pulling my knees to my chin and placing my feet on the soft material.

Logan watched me intently for a while and then went back to whatever it was he was focusing so hard on when I first entered. "So, what did you want?" I asked after a while of silence.

"You to sit," he responded absentmindedly, not bothering to lift his head as he spoke. "Now be quiet."

"You called me in here for me to sit here and do nothing instead of having me sit in my room and do nothing. Is that what you are telling me?" I grumbled.

"No. I am telling you to be quiet." He looked over for a split second, his cold look freezing my muscles until he looked away.

"Well, I might as well go then." I shrugged, hopping up and making my way to the doors on my left. I expected him to speak or yell but he was simply silent behind me while I walked across the room to the doors.

I reached my arm out to grab the handle as a loud booming rang out behind me and less than a second later, a small bullet rammed into the door, blasting through it and creating a large hole in the slab of oak.

The bullet had missed my skin by a near centimetre, skimming the material of my top just below my arm pit. I turned in shock to see Logans emotionless expression and a gun in his right hand.

"That was a warning shot," he told me as I stared in disbelief, my heart hammering away so fast I was surprised it hadn't burst. "Take another step and the next one won't be." His warning was spoken slowly and clearly and left little room to question.

I glanced back at the chair, then to the door and then back to the gun sitting comfortably in his hand, pointing straight at my heart. I knew he wouldn't miss, no way. But would he really pull the trigger?

He had to be bluffing... right? I stared him dead in the eyes and read the threat there. 'Try me' basically beamed from his eyes. There wasn't a hint of bluff and my stomach churned at the discovery.

Swallowing my pride, I turned back to the seat and quietly sat back down, my heart in my mouth and my head in my hands.

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