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Logan tensed beside me, a forced smile crossing his lips before he rotated slightly, leaning subtly to whisper in my ear. "Not a word," he warned before straightening up.

All I could do was nod, my eyes never straying from the two girls trailing behind the man in question. When they got closer, I noticed the chains looped around their wrists. "Oh my god," I hissed, unable to keep the disgust from my tone.

"Mia," Logan warned seconds before they stopped in front of us.

"Logan," he greeted with what I assumed was meant to be a smile. He bared his pointed teeth at Logan and I swallowed the lump in my throat, Logan's warnings about tonight swirling in the forefront of my mind.

"Jonesy," Logan greeted back. "How've you been?"

"Good, thank you. And you?"


I shifted uncomfortably at Logan's side. It was incredibly clear that these two didn't like each other and yet, he didn't leave. "It was good of your father to offer to host this dinner," Logan said, eyes scanning the room before resettling on the man in front of him once again.

"Yes," he answered with a nod, "it was, wasn't it?"

Logan narrowed his eyes before looking to the two girls. They couldn't have been very old, still only teenagers, and their sunken eyes had been glued to the floor since they entered. "You decided to let a couple of your girls out then?" My eyes widened. A couple? How many girls did this man own?

I could sense the disgust in his tone but Jonesy seemed oblivious as he turned to eye the two girls. "Yes, these two have been especially well behaved," he stated with pride. I felt sick to my stomach. "Sit girls," he ordered, taking me by surprise and my eyes burned with tears when they dropped to the ground in perfect synchrony.

"Now," Jonesy said, leaving the girls kneeling on the floor and turning back to us. The eyes of everyone in the room fell on the girls and I wanted more than anything to rip Logans gun from the inside of his jacket and force this dickhead to be the one to kneel on the floor, preferably while he begged for his life. "Who's this beauty?"

Amusement flashed across the man's face at the discomfort and hatred on mine. He reached out for my hand and, with extreme reluctance, I gave it to him. When his lips pressed against it, they were cold and wet, causing my stomach to twist. He took longer than necessary to release me and I was grateful when he did because I thought I was going to be sick.

"This is Mia," Logan stated, curling an arm around my waist. He pinched my side lightly and I wasn't sure if it was to comfort me or warn me – I assumed the latter.

"A pleasure," Jonesy stated, "Where did she come from? I know if she'd have been in an auction I would've outbid you for her," he said to Logan, only making me hate him more.

"I didn't get her from an auction," Logan stated, "her daddy couldn't pay up."

I grit my teeth at his taunting tone and Jonesy laughed. "Ah," he said, reaching to take one of my curls in his hand and twisting it around his fingers, "more than just a common whore then?"

My eyes hardened at his words and his lips quirked in amusement. "I guess," Logan muttered in reply.

"Dinner is ready!" An announcement was suddenly made and I finally let out the breath I'd been holding since this man approached us.

Jonesy smiled. "Come, girls," he said, clicking his fingers. They rose to their feet and followed him obediently into the dining room. Logan and I followed not far behind and when we entered the room, my jaw fell. French windows lined the far wall with linen drapes hanging above them. The view of outside was spectacular, with rolling fields and towering trees in the distance.

Soft piano music played, almost drowned out by the animated chatter of the guests. The long table in the centre of the room seated at least fifty people and every place setting had a silver champagne flute, several sets of cutleries and a napkin carefully crafted into a swan.

Logan pulled out a chair for me and I sat down, smiling and thanking him politely. I surveyed the table, noting that the majority of women were dressed in elegant, sparkling dresses with perfectly styled hair and flawless makeup. Their eyes were dim as they sat beside their ignorant, misogynistic husbands, only invited to this dinner to serve as a trophy. However, there were a number of women that weren't dressed up. Their dates had made no attempt to hide the bruises on their skin, in fact, they'd dressed them in as little as possible to show off their conquests and it made me sick.

I found myself seated beside the girls that had accompanied Jonesy and I smiled at them softly, although they appeared alarmed by the gesture and turned away immediately. My mouth salivated when the food was brought out, it smelled delicious and when a plate landed in front of me, I smiled. It was so full the food was practically falling off and my stomach growled in approval.

"None for them," I heard a voice say and when I glanced up, I saw the waiters miss out the girls beside me and move on to the next guests. My eyes went wide with shock. The girls were already so thin you could see their ribs poking through their skin. I watched the look in their eyes dim when they went without and it broke my heart in two.

Conversation flowed around me. I watched as many of the men interacted. It was clear that amongst the guests, Logan was feared and respected more than any others. When he spoke, the room fell into a respectful silence and whenever he addressed someone, alarm flashed in their eyes and they bowed their heads, agreeing with whatever he said. I scanned the guests when a lively debate about business I couldn't understand started. I realised nobody was looking at me, meaning I went unnoticed as I slipped food from my plate to the two girls beneath the table. It wouldn't be enough to sustain them but the meals were so large and delicious and I felt guilty eating it when they had nothing.

Most people had finished eating and I had thought I'd gotten away with it until I heard a low, dangerous voice snarl, "where did you get that?" 

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