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The morning of the auction rolled around faster than I had expected and the sound of metal clanking alerted me of the start of the day. I rolled onto my side, tears immediately filling my eyes and turned to see Josie sit up slowly.

"Morning," she whispered shakily.

My tears spilled down my cheeks as I met her fear filled gaze. "Are you okay?" She asked, shuffling to the edge of her bed.

"I'm scared," I answered honestly, my voice barely a whisper.

Rather than reply, she nodded her head in understanding and moved to squeeze my shoulder. "Stay strong today," she whispered, "they wont be happy if you act out."

I nodded, knowing better than to piss them off after the last time. Instead, I took a long deep breath and tried to remind myself that I needed to do whatever it took to stay alive if I wanted to see my sister again.

With that thought constantly in my mind, I rose from the bed just as our door banged open and the oldest of the men stood in the doorway, a victorious gleam in his eye.

"Girls," he snapped, eyeing Josie and then Tasha, "out!"

"Yes David," Tasha answered.

We started to move towards the door when he held out a hand, stopping me. "Not you kitten," he hissed, a glint in his eye as I swallowed nervously.

Josie sent me an apologetic look before stepping through to open door along with the other two guilty looking girls. Nerves fluttered in my stomach as I stayed face to face with David.

He eyed me greedily, taking in every inch of my naked body and I grit my teeth, my instincts telling me to punch him. However, I refrained, enduring his ogling and the humiliation until he finally met my gaze.

Suddenly, he grasped my arms and forced me backwards until my back hit the wall on the far side of the room. I whimpered in fear, my eyes wide.

"I wanted to make sure you were completely well behaved before tonight," he explained, trailing a hand down my chest before backing up and peeling away his shirt.

I watched in horror as he then moved on to his trousers which soon fell to the floor along with a pair of dark boxers, leaving him completely naked before me.

I gulped, averting my eyes from his disgusting body but he grabbed my chin and pulled my face around so I was looking into his dark eyes.

Slowly, his hand left my face and travelled down to my neck and then further to my chest. "Get on your knees," he ordered, a stern look in his eye.

With tears falling down my face, I dropped to my knees, ending up face to face with his erection. "Open," he growled and I closed my eyes before taking him in my mouth, desperately trying to imagine it was Logan in my mouth instead.

I began to bob my head, resisting the urge to wretch at the foul taste that filled my mouth. Still, my tears slid down my cheeks.

He groaned from the back of his throat, thrusting powerfully into my mouth until finally, he shot his load down the back of my throat. "Swallow," he growled, removing himself from my mouth.

I struggled to do so, feeling vomit rise in the back of my throat as I thought about how this man - who must've been at least fifty - had been in my mouth.

He smiled down at me once I swallowed every last drop and pulled me to my feet. "Good girl," he said, petting my head like I was some sort of animal. "Behave yourself tonight," he warned, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I nodded in understanding. "Good, now off you go, the rest of the girls are in the dining room having a good breakfast before tonight."

With another nod, I watched as he redressed and then followed him obediently out of the room and down a couple of hallways until we reached the dining room. I slipped in and took the empty seat at the end of the table beside Tasha.

"Are you okay?" She asked me between mouthfuls of oatmeal.

With a quivering lip, I nodded, helping myself to a generous serving of the lumpy slop, not having eaten much since being here. I took to opportunity to wolf down as much food as possible, not knowing when I would next be allowed to eat.

Small bursts of conversation flowed around the table but mostly, every girl was concentrated on filling up on food while they had the chance so it was fairly quiet.

After breakfast, we were all sent back to our rooms with a box of makeup and hair accessories. The men instructed us to get ready and help each other out with preparing ourselves for the auction.

"Here," Josie called as I attempted to fix my hair. "Let me."

She moved to sit behind me and began to comb through my matted locks before separating sections and intertwining them. She then took some pins from a bag beside me to hold my hair in place and I smiled. "Thank you," I said, reaching up to feel my hair.

She smiled and nodded. "Of course, can you help me with my makeup?"

I nodded and turned to face her, noting there was minimal amounts of makeup in the box for us to use. "It has to be natural," she said as I swept some light blush across her already slightly tinted cheeks.

I then curled her eyelashes and put a little mascara on her lashes, making them stand out a little more. She fluttered them for me and I giggled, grateful to have a friend beside me throughout this. Finally, I dabbed some red lipstick onto her lips before putting some on my own and raising to my feet.

"Do I look okay?" I asked her meekly, nervous about the entire evening.

She nodded with a small smile. "Of course." Tears filled her eyes as she stepped towards me. "I'll miss you," she said, throwing an arm around me.

I let out a soft sob at her words. "I'll miss you too."

The thought of being bought by some creep and taken away from the few people I had grown to like here made me feel sick to my stomach.

I turned to Tasha and Milly - who also had tears in their eyes - and the four of us hugged quickly before slipping into a pair of heels, the only clothing we were allowed to wear for the auction. Soon, the men were coming down the hallway, announcing it was time for us to go.

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