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I shuffled on the sofa, finding a moment of relief when I slumped backwards. My back muscles burned from the large weight I'd been carrying around, my feet were sore, my breasts were heavy and I couldn't remember the last time I'd had a good night's sleep. Every minute of the day I was uncomfortable and miserable and as my due date neared, I was desperate to get these babies out of me.

Today was the first quiet day in a while. All our moving boxes were finally empty. The new house, our home, was decorated and filled with both mine and Logan's things. He'd had the audacity to complain about being tired while unboxing a few days ago and I'd completely lost it. He fell straight to sleep every night while I tossed and turned, trying to find some relief even if just for a moment. The bags beneath my eyes were huge, I was suffering from headaches and hot flushes and every one of my muscles were sore.

I'd lost my temper and yelled until I'm sure the structure of the house shook. He'd disappeared to give me a chance to cool off and we'd hardly spoken for the past few days but things had returned to normal today.

The sun was shining so I'd taken the opportunity to sit outside on our new patio furniture, overlooking the huge pool. The glittering water looked so cool and inviting but I was worried about being in the sun too long so decided it would be better to go back inside. I wobbled about on the seat, my arms flailing as I tried to lift my own body weight but it was no use. I'd become too heavy and my stomach was too big to allow me to sit up.

With a heavy sigh, I flopped back onto the seat. "Logan!"

The patio doors were open to allow the breeze to pass through the house on such a hot day so I knew he would hear me from the office. He'd been leaving to door open so I could call if I needed him. I relaxed when I heard the sound of footsteps. "Can I... um... can I help you-," he coughed, "- in um, anyway, um, Miss?"

I couldn't see the man behind my huge stomach but I didn't need to. This certainly wasn't Logan. "Did he send you?" I snapped at Kevin, wobbling around in my seat again like a fat potato. "Don't answer that," I muttered with a sigh. It would take him far too long to answer a simple yes and I needed to pee. "Go back upstairs and tell my rat bastard of a husband to get his ass down here now."

Silence descended for a minute and I'm sure if I could see the poor man he would be gaping like a fish. "I um... I'll fetch him," he finally concluded. All Logan's men had been ordered to do as I say and I'm sure Logan would be regretting that instruction very soon.

"Use my exact words!" I called when I heard his footsteps scurrying away.

A few minutes later, his unmistakable heavy footsteps thundered through the house. "Rat bastard of a husband here," he announced, the annoyance glaringly obvious in his tone.

"You're an ass," I told him, rolling my eyes. "I thought you were leaving your door open so if I needed you, you could come and help me, not send one of your damn henchmen!"

"I'm sorry," he said, almost robotically. He'd been making a lot of apologies lately and if I wasn't so irritated all the time, I would've found it funny. "What did you want?"

I bit my lip, my cheeks burning. "I can't get up," I admitted.

I wanted to punch him when he chuckled, neither quietly nor subtly. "It's not funny Logan. I'm stuck and I need to pee but I can't because I'm too fat to do anything myself now." My annoyed speech ended as a blubbering mess and tears filled my eyes. That was another problem to add to the list, I'd been so bloody emotional, crying over stupid little things. It was infuriating, especially when I was supposed to be angry with my husband.

He stepped into my line of sight and swiped away my tears. "You're not fat, darling," he said, making my stomach flutter. He looked good, standing above me in the sunlight, his shirt sleeved rolled up to reveal his tattooed forearms and a slight smirk on his lips. And just like that, I was no longer sad, I was horny. "You're pregnant and you still look beautiful," he leant down to kiss me gently and my whole body reacted.

Tingles travelled down my spine and suddenly, all I could think about was how badly I wanted this man – until one of the twins squeezed my bladder. "I really need to pee," I said against Logan's lips and his smirk grew.

He reached down and curled his arms around my enormous waist. Logan was certain that we were going to have a son and a daughter but, judging from the size of me, I was betting on two boys that both took after their father. However, despite how big I was, Logan managed to lift me effortlessly and placed me on the ground as though I was as light as a feather. It made me feel a little bit better. "Thank you."

He kissed me again – just a gentle peck on the lips. "You're welcome. I'm going to get back to work, I promise I'll come if you need me."

I watched him walk away, jealousy surging through me at his ability to take long strides. Meanwhile, I waddled behind him, only halfway across the room by the time he was climbing the stairs. I headed towards the bathroom but only made another step or two before I felt a horrible feeling in my stomach and then fluid dripped down my leg.

I let out a sharp scream, staring down at the puddle beneath my feet before Logan came running back. "What is it? What happen-?" he cut off when his eyes fell to the floor and his brows raised. "Oh. Well, that's okay, come on," he called, holding out a hand, "I'll help you clean up."

I glared at him, gritting my teeth. "My water just broke," I informed the idiot and now, his eyes widened to the size of saucers.

"Oh. Okay, well then, lets get you to the hospital," he said, taking my hand and starting to guide me through the house. I froze mid-step when a sharp pain shot through my stomach, feeling like my insides were shuffling around inside of me. I screamed, squeezing Logan's hand to stop myself from falling to the floor. "Contraction?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and started to shake my head. "I can't do this. They're only going to get worse and I just- no, I'm not doing this." I pulled my hand from his grip and backed away, images of babies forcing their way out of me filling my head. No way. Absolutely no way.

"Hey," he called, stepping towards me. I retreated further. He was the reason I was in this position in the first place. "You're going to be okay," he said, "Everything is going to be fine. I'm right here, okay?"

I shook my head. "No, it's not okay. It's easy for you! You haven't had to carry these massive kids around inside of you for nine months and they aren't about to be pulled out of you!"

He did his best to hide his smile but failed miserably and I scowled. "I hate you."

"I'm sorry," he said, more sincerely this time. "But I promise, everything will be okay. Lets just get you to the hospital and they'll take care of you." I nodded my head and managed to stay where I was when he stepped towards me and cupped my face in his hands. "By the end of today, we're going to be parents," he said, a smile lighting up his face. Tears shimmered in his eyes and I welled up myself at the sight. He looked so happy at the prospect of meeting our children. Our children. Our family. Our future.

The end


Thank you so much for reading! I can't believe this story is over! I've loved every minute of Logan and Mia's story and hope you have too!

If you can't get enough of them either then don't worry, there will be an epilogue posted soon!

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