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I finally looked up and met Logan's eyes, completely taken aback. He didn't exactly strike me as the kind of man that admitted he was wrong or apologised, especially not to someone like me. He took a steady breath and continued. "Your comment was unacceptable," he said, "But so was my reaction."

I felt the breath I'd been holding finally expel and took a moment to form words. "So, you're not going to kill me?"

He shook his head. "No. I also withdraw the rule about three strikes. This is your home now whether you like it or not and you're free to roam about it as you wish. Those cells are for criminals, which you aren't, so you won't be returning to them. And what happened last night will never, ever happen again. I lost my temper and make no excuse for what I did. I truly am sorry."

All I could do was nod slowly. "Thank you."

"You also won't be required to wear your outfits anymore," he continued, managing to surprise me once again and my eyes widened.


Again, he nodded. "One more thing," he said. I watched as he reached into the top drawer of his desk and pulled out his phone, "this is your one and only opportunity to call home and speak with your family. You have half an hour."

"I can call my sister?" I gasped, diving forwards and snatching the phone from his hand, in case he changed his mind. He nodded in answer to my question and I couldn't stop the smile. I dialled the home phone; fairly certain my father would be working at this time in the afternoon but my sister would be home from college by now.

"Hello?" Her voice answered and just from that, tears spotted my eyes. She sounded confused and a little nervous about the random number calling and I smiled.

"Ash," I croaked out through my huge grin.

"Mia?" She gasped and the sound of her shuffling crackled through the phone. "Mia, please tell me that's you." Her voice was more broken and pleading this time.

"It's me Ashley," I assured her. "Are you ok?"

A sob like sound escaped my sister. "Yes, oh my god yes I'm fine. Are you? Has Logan hurt you Mia, if he-?"

"I'm fine Ashley. I promise." A tear seemed hell bent on falling down my cheek and I had to turn a little away from Logans burning gaze so he wouldn't see. "Have I missed anything?" I asked her.

"Not really, dad seems to take any anger he has out on his gang and then avoids everyone at home which leaves me with Stacey more than I would like..." She drifted off and I tensed.

"Has she hurt you?" I snapped, clutching Logans phone so hard I thought it would snap. "I swear if she laid a hand on you I will-."

"I'm fine Mi, she has just slapped me around a bit more than usual now you have gone but..."

"But what?" I snapped.

"She has a knife Mia," she whispered shakily. "She hasn't used it on me but she said she would if I deserved it."

I growled. "I know Ash," I muttered.


"I know about the knife; the bitch has slashed me a few times. Usually because I was more honest than I should've been about my opinion of her so just kiss her ass a bit?" I begged her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She squeaked.

I sighed again. "It wasn't important. Promise me you will be careful and if she touches you with that knife, fuck peace and go straight to dad," I grumbled. "Promise me Ash."

She was quiet for a bit and I heard the familiar sound of her jumping onto my extremely squeaky bed. "Fine, I promise." She sighed and I smiled.

"How's college?" I asked her and immediately regretted it when she started rambling about every detail of her day like she usually did. Working with kids was what she'd always been passionate about and since starting college she hadn't shut up about everything she gets to do on the course.

Despite the fact I missed the freedom that work and college provided, I wasn't anywhere near as invested in my studies. I'd wanted to attend college simply because most women in the mafia weren't offered the chance and I refused to take that for granted. Ashley would've been heartbroken to leave her classes and that only made me surer that I'd made the right decision in going with Logan.

After a while of just listening to her talk, Logan cleared his throat and gestured to the large clock hanging beside the door, indicating my half an hour was almost up. "Ash?" I called, interrupting her story about one of the boys in her class. "Is dad there?"

"No," she answered softly, "he doesn't come home until later."

I nodded my head, a little deflated but forced a smile. "Will you tell him I called? And that I miss him?"

"Of course, I will."

My smile widened. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, will you call again?" she asked eagerly and it broke my heart to let her down.

"I'm not sure I can," I told her honestly. The last thing I wanted was to get her hopes up. "I'll try my best," I said when she sighed softly through the phone. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," she said softly, her voice thick with emotion. "You promise you're safe?"

"I promise," I told her, despite the fact I was still trying to figure that out for myself. 

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