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I don't know why I did it or what I was thinking. I should've been annoyed at his words. His possessiveness should've made me angry. But my senses were completely overwhelmed by him. His masculine scent. His warm breath. His deep, husky voice. His hard muscles. Everything about him made me ache and all I could think about was how good it would feel for him to finally touch me.

The second my lips touched his, his hand lifted off the bed and pulled my body closer to him, his other hand still resting around my throat. He closed his mouth around my upper lip, sucking it into his mouth with a groan. I opened my lips wider, without even thinking, greedy for more. He gave it to me by sliding his tongue between my lips, stroking it against mine, coaxing a low moan from the back of my throat.

This only seemed to spur him on more and he picked up the pace, grinding against me hard. I knew for a fact I was soaked and I couldn't stop my hips from rocking against him. The hand on my waist slid down to rest on my ass, squeezing it whenever I moaned into his mouth from the slightest bit of friction.

"Fuck," he growled, "I think I'm addicted to your taste already." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling away to catch my breath before he slammed his mouth back on mine once again. He wasn't the only one that was addicted and when his hand tightened around my throat, trapping the air in my lungs, it only turned me on more.

His tongue licked along mine again before pulling my lower lip between his teeth. My nipples ached to be touched and his warm breath on my face had me hot all over. "Logan," I called, grinding my hips against his again, seeking some kind of relief. His hand suddenly landed on my ass, making me cry out from surprise. He took the opportunity to deepen the kiss again, licking along the underside of my tongue while his hand rubbed the skin of my ass to dull the sting.

"I bet you're soaked," Logan murmured into my mouth before pulling away and kissing down the side of my neck, removing his hand as he did to allow me to breathe again.

I heaved as much air into my lungs as possible while he ground his hips against mine once again. "And I know you're hard," I shot back, feeling the evidence of just how much he was enjoying this press against my hip.

His teeth pulled on the skin of my neck and I cried out from the pain before he used his tongue to soothe it. "Tell me," he breathed against my skin, "has anyone ever made you cum before?"

I sucked in a breath, feeling the effects of his words flood down below. "No," I manage to croak out. There was no point in lying to him.

I could feel his smirk against the skin of my neck. "And what about you?" He asked. "Do you make yourself cum? Touch yourself?"

My eyes widened and I couldn't bring myself to answer. But I didn't have to. Logan leant back far enough to meet my gaze, completely clouded with desire. "Of course you have," he said with a chuckle, licking his lips devilishly before dropping his hands from my body and standing up straight. "Show me," he ordered, returning to his position at the end of my bed, muscular arms holding onto the posts in each corner, and me, still kneeling in front of him.

I blinked. "What?"

Surely he couldn't be asking me to do what I thought he was.

"You heard me," he growled, eyes narrowed. "Show me."

I stared back at him. The lust blazed in his eyes and his black slacks couldn't hide how hard he was. He raised an expectant eyebrow. "Well?" He asked when all I'd managed to do was gawp at him. "Are you going to do as you're told or shall I go?"

My mouth opened and closed a few times, my cheeks burning with embarrassment, before I finally nodded. I needed to be touched more. I needed relief and if he wasn't going to do it, I would. "I should've known," I muttered, repositioning myself so I was lay on my back with my head on my pillows, "I bet you always get someone else to do your dirty work," I taunted, a small smirk on my lips as what can only be described as a snarl crossed his.

In one swift movement, he curled his hands around my ankles and dragged me down the bed, lifting my legs to his shoulder so my ass pressed against his bulging trousers. He rested my feet either side of his head and reached down to yank off my shorts, leaving my lower half bare and at an angle that did nothing to hide me from his eyes.

"Don't push me," he grit out, "I don't do anything gently darling." He leant forwards, moving my legs with him until his face was level with mine, my body bent in half beneath him and completely at his mercy. "If I touch you, it won't be gentle or loving, I'll use your body and make you scream."

I felt the air leave my lungs and studied his face, realising he was dead serious. I nodded. "I want it," I rasped.

He looked taken aback for a split second before he continued. "I won't stop if you tell me to," he continued and panic started to settle in before he explained, "you'll need a safe word. Most people use 'red'."

My throat was dry as I nodded. I couldn't believe I was agreeing to any of this. I couldn't believe I wanted him as badly as I did. Ten minutes ago, I was telling him that I didn't belong to him, but now, God, now I wanted to be his. I wanted him to own me. "Okay."

"The second you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, you use it, am I clear?" I nodded and his eyes hardened. "Say it, Mia. Use your words."

I met his eyes. "Yes."

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