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Logans dark eyes sparkled as they trailed down my body. His tongue poked out to lick his lips before he lowered to smash his lips against mine. I wrapped myself around him, curling my legs around his waist. I felt the moment his control withered and he kissed me harder, pushing his tongue into my mouth and tightening his grip on my waist until I knew it would bruise.

Finally, he dipped a finger down to spread me open. His calloused fingers brushed along my skin and I whined when his thumb pressed into my throbbing clit. He began to circle it, slowly, torturously, teasingly.

I jerked against him, the light touch driving me insane. I tried to push my hips up to meet his fingers but he kept me pinned down with his other hand. He pinched my clit and glared at me in warning while a tortured moan broke from my lips. He continued the slow circular movements while his other fingers dipped in and out of my pussy. I was so wet that I could hear the sound of him thrusting into me.

He connected his lips onto my breast, biting lightly on my sensitive nipple. He showed no mercy; using my body like his own personal toy. The orgasm was already bubbling up in my stomach and, when he curled his fingers inside of me, brushing my front walls, I came undone.

I watched breathlessly as Logan removed his long fingers from inside of me and licked them clean of my cum. The sight made me clench my thighs but he pulled them back apart before nuzzling his face between them, licking the juices that had dripped down my inner thighs. The anticipation alone nearly made me cum again. His mouth was so close to my pussy and the feeling of his tongue running along my hot skin made me shudder.

His hands slid around to cup my ass, trapping me against his mouth. I couldn't stop panting, needing more and he finally gave it to me, repositioning his tongue to run up the length of my folds. "Fuck, Logan," I whined loudly. Again, he ran his tongue from my entrance to my clit before sucking on the sensitive bud. I arched against him.

He moved his tongue down before hardening it and thrusting it inside of me. I bit my lip to keep from crying out at the feeling of him fucking me with his tongue. This felt dirtier than when he used his fingers. I could feel his hot breath on my pussy lips, hear the sounds of his tongue moving in and out of me.

I shuddered at the feeling, everything sensitive after just cumming. He pulled back out of me, returning to my clit to circle it, sucking every now and then before I shattered beneath him, screaming his name. Tears filled my eyes as I rode out the wave before slumping on the bed.

I looked up at him, watching as he licked his lips, his hooded eyes on my swollen pussy. I wanted to reach for him but my arms were still cuffed to the headboard. My eyes fell to his cock, large and thick between his legs, pulsing with need.

"I want more," I told him.

He narrowed his dark eyes and reached for my throat, squeezing it lightly. "Excuse me?" He growled, forcing his thigh between my legs, barely brushing my soaked skin. He was just out of reach and I ached for any kind of friction, although, based on the smirk that spread across his lips when I thrust my hips towards him, he knew that. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

With his other hand, he pinched one of my nipples and I whined. "I want more," I repeated, "I need more."

He scoffed. "And what makes you think you have any say in what happens here?"

I eyed his erection. "You want it too," I said, "we both know you're desperate to fuck me."

He slapped my tit and I gasped. His grip tightened around my throat and I knew it would leave marks. "Watch it," he growled, "speak to me like that again and I'll edge you over and over again." Tears dotted my eyes when he squeezed my throat again, being careful not to crush my windpipe. I writhed beneath him, my pussy throbbing. "Now try again," he ordered, "and this time with some fucking manners."

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