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My moan was so loud it made my throat raw and finally, Logan slid his fingers out of me and I slumped onto the surface of the desk. I rolled onto my back; my breathing ragged. Sweat dripped down my face and I looked to Logan with hooded eyes. He moved across the room, pulling a handful of tissues out of the box on the shelf and wiping the residue of my orgasm from his fingers. He snatched a few more before coming back to stand beside me and wiped the cum that dripped down my thighs. "Thanks," I muttered, my eyes falling shut from exhaustion.

He was silent for a moment and I couldn't resist peeking up at him. He was staring right back at me, licking his lips devilishly. "Don't disobey me again darling," he warned.

I smirked. "Where's the fun in that?"

The threat of challenge sparkled in his eyes as he stepped forward. "Did you not get enough?" He growled, raising an eyebrow in a silent dare.

I shook my head immediately. "No, I did," I told him quickly, scared that he'd start again.

"Good." He nodded his head. "Clean up and get dressed. I'm going to shower."

He nodded down to the tent that had formed in the front of his slacks and I felt my heart race in my chest. He turned to leave. "I could always join you," I called after him, in desperate need of a shower myself. He turned back to me slowly and raised a brow.

"You really think you can handle it?" He challenged.

I nodded my head, forcing myself to sit up. My limbs burned in protest but I wasn't ready to go back to my room alone. And I was dying to see what Logan looked like beneath his suits. This was my opportunity to see him. To touch him and taste him.

"Can you?" I shot back.

Without hesitation, he stalked towards me and threw me back over his shoulder, carrying me out of the room. I was more than grateful that he'd sent his guards away because I was still completely naked. I had assumed he would take me back to my room and we would use my bathroom but instead, he started up the stairs and my breath caught in my throat.

He walked straight through the bedroom and entered through a door off to one side before dropping me on my feet. The whole room was tiled black, with gold accents running through the room. The shower was enormous, with plenty of room for the two of us.

Logan started the water running before gesturing for me to step inside. I did, stepping into the room that was quickly filling with steam and feeling my muscles sag when the hot water it them. It was like heaven and I ran my hands through my hair and all over my body. I was extremely sore, with bruises forming on my tits and my ass. My clit throbbed and my pussy walls ached.

The door to the shower opened and I turned, my jaw dropping when Logan stepped in. Everything about him was powerful, from his broad shoulders and muscular arms decorated in tattoos. His defined abs made me drool and I wanted was to run my hands along his solid chest and down to the V-shape of his hips. I felt a dip in my stomach when my eyes lowered further.

His dick hung large and thick between his thighs, pointing towards me as he strode closer. He was bigger than anyone I'd ever seen and when he wrapped his hand around it, his fingers barely met. He was so thick and I knew it would rip me apart.

He brushed past me, a knowing smirk on his face as I eyed him. When he was standing right beside me, the water cascading over his dark hair and dripping down his olive skin, I clenched my thighs. Despite being sore all over and completely used up, I still wanted him.

His lips suddenly collided with mine and I sunk against the hard planes of his body, running my hands over his bulging muscles. I moaned into his mouth, licking and sucking at him desperately. His taste filled my mouth when he pushed his tongue between my lips and dominated the kiss. I couldn't get enough of him.

He eventually pulled away for air and reached up to grasp the shower head, removing it from its hook and holding it over me. He started to comb through my hair with his other hand and I sighed. His fingers obviously could also work magic when they weren't inside of me.

Soft pleasured moans escaped me when he moved from my now untangled hair and started to massage my shoulders. I felt his dick press against my ass when he leant forward, his breath hot in my ear. "If you keep making those sounds, I'll fuck you right here, right now."

I plucked up the courage to turn to him, glancing up at him through my eyelashes. "Something the matter?" I asked him, reaching my hand out to stroke my finger along the underside of his cock. I felt him twitch before he forced me backwards and I slammed against the wall.

"Get on your damn knees for me," he snarled and I felt my heart hammer as I dropped to my knees at his feet. "Open this mouth," he instructed, stroking my lower lip before tugging on it. Hard. I dropped my jaw, feeling anticipation stir in my gut when he took a hold of his dick before placing it in my mouth.

My jaw was stretched painfully and I groaned, trying to breathe through my nose while I adjusted to the pulsating pain. He started to move, pumping in and out of my mouth slowly. He gathered my hair in his fist and pulled me forward. I nearly gagged when he hit the back of my throat as a result but Logan didn't release me. He groaned above me, his dark eyes watching as I hollowed my mouth and starting to suck.

He continued to rock his hips, pulling away just before I gagged at the feeling of him sliding up and down my throat. I dug my nails into his thighs, steadying myself. I licked down the length of him before reaching the head and tasting his pre-cum on my tongue.

He groaned again. "So fucking good," he growled out, quickening his pace and thrusting harder. I focused on my breathing while he bobbed up and down in my throat, pumping what wouldn't fit in my mouth with his fist. I let go of his thigh with one hand and reached up to his balls, cupping the heavy sacs in my hand and squeezing gently, eliciting another groan from the back of his throat.

"Fuck, I'm close," he grumbled, using his hold on my hair to force my head back against the shower wall, trapping me between his legs. He took complete control, using me for his pleasure and it didn't take long before he twitched in my mouth before shooting his load down my throat. I swallowed the hot strings of liquid greedily before he pulled out, leaving me to choke on the air that gushed into my lungs. "Fuck," he groaned again placing his hands on the wall above my head while he caught his breath. "You're addictive," he muttered, appearing to be lost in a daze.

I steadied my own breathing, relieved to hear those words leave his mouth because I knew I wouldn't be able to let go of this feeling any time soon.

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