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The following morning, nobody bothered to wake me. Usually, Gavin would knock on my door to wake me up and either bring me my breakfast or inform me that it was ready. However, when I finally woke up, it was nearing midday. I stretched out on my bed, grateful for the lie in to make up for tossing and turning all night. It had taken me a long time to get the thought of my sister getting hurt out of my head.

As well as that, my mind kept drifting to Logan. His apology yesterday had taken me completely by surprise and on top of that, he'd relaxed the rules a little to make up for it. I could see the guilt in his eyes when he spoke to me, he looked almost as if it caused him pain to admit what he'd done.

I'd felt equally as awful for what I had said. I watched the hurt flash through his eyes when the words left my mouth before it was replaced with pure rage. It was as though he didn't hear me when I screamed apologies and begged for him to not hurt me. It was like his mind was somewhere else entirely.

When I wasn't thinking about either my sister or Logan, I was thinking about Henry. He'd been so kind to me since the day I'd arrived and it was fairly clear from his actions the night before that he felt more for me that simply friendship. But I knew that wasn't appropriate, given the circumstances. He worked for Logan who was basically my kidnapper and I couldn't imagine he'd allow one of his men to date me.

Even if he did, I wasn't interested in anything other than friendship with Henry. He was a good-looking and friendly guy, but I didn't feel anything towards him.

Finally, there was a knock at the door just before midday and I quickly dressed before opening it to come face to face with Gavin. "Hey," I said with a smile, "I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me."

He grinned, handing me a large cooked breakfast. "I knocked earlier," he explained, entering the room and closing the door behind him. "You didn't answer and when I opened the door, you were fast asleep. It seemed cruel to disturb you."

I quirked a brow as we both took a seat on the end of my bed. "And Logan was okay with that?"

He chuckled softly. "He was, in fact he seemed to be in a good mood... which probably means someone will be dead by the end of the day," he said without any sort of concern. It was difficult to remember that this man was just as much a part of the mafia lifestyle as Logan - perhaps even more so since I imagined a lot of Logan's men did his dirty work for him. They were completely different people. Logan was tense and emotionless and Gavin seemed so relaxed and friendly.

"Did you choose to work for him?" I couldn't help but ask, hoping the man I'd come to think of as a friend in this place would tell me he hated this life.

He nodded his head and my shoulders deflated a little. "I did. I joined a gang when I was a kid and didn't really realise quite what I was getting myself into. Most of the guys that joined didn't survive their first month but I did alright, learnt how to kill and how to protect myself. I got caught up with some of Logan's guys while on a job and figured I'd be better off swearing allegiance to him than a gang of teenagers that were soon wiped out by a rival Familia."

I was surprised to say the least. "And the killing doesn't bother you?"

He shook his head. "You'd be surprised at what some of these people have done. Most of our enemies are far from innocent, they deserve whatever they get," he stated, eyes darker than usual and his voice filled with conviction. That was the most like Logan I'd ever seen my friend. "Anyway, enough with question time," he said, shooting me a look. I grinned. "Eat your breakfast, Logan has business to attend to this morning but he wants you to go to his office at 3."

I nodded my head. "Won't Henry come and fetch me?" 

"Afraid not," Gavin said, rising to his feet and turning to leave.

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