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True to his word, Logan smiled all through Christmas day. We drank hot chocolate in bed together in the morning, bundled under blankets to protect ourselves from the cold. Fiona had baked some amazing cinnamon cookies that were shared amongst us and all the staff for breakfast before preparations for dinner started.

My mother, sister and I demanded that we helped out. Which meant Logan was more or less forced to help cook too. It was amusing to watch him in the kitchen, surrounded by women and having to listen to Fiona's orders rather than the other way around. The smile may have slipped from his face during that time but every time he looked at me, it returned.

While we cooked, Christmas music played and I sang and danced with my mother and sister like we had when we were kids. I had spent every day with them since Logan had freed her, savouring every moment as, after today, they would be going back home. Mom hadn't seen it in years and now, it belonged to her.

My father had been sentenced for attempting to kill the heir to the mafia. It wasn't an actual murder but none of the made men argued with Logan's decision. I felt a pang in my chest whenever I thought about the fact he was gone. He was still my dad after all. But what he'd done to me, to my mother, to all of us, it wasn't something I could forgive and despite the sadness I felt when I thought about the fact I would never see him again, I also felt a sense of peace. He could never harm my children. He would never hurt my mother again. He would never hurt anyone again.

Fiona and the rest of the maids all joined us for dinner. Most of the soldiers went home to spend the day with their families and those that didn't have families worked short shifts on rotation so the house was always guarded but the men had some time off. Everyone was happy and laughing and it made my heart swell. Christmas day had always been my favourite day of the year because all the problems outside seemed to melt away and for one day, everyone was happy.

And now, seeing a smile on Logans face, seeing his house full of people laughing and knowing that this time next year we would have children, it made it all even better.

The afternoon was spent watching movies and by early evening, I went upstairs for a lie down. It had been a long day on my feet and I'd eaten my body weights worth of food. It didn't take me long to fall asleep and I napped for about an hour and woke up to find Logan sitting in the bed beside me, the television on. "What are you doing up here?" I asked him, stretching out.

"Your mom and sister went for a walk," he explained, shifting to kiss my head gently. "And I thought we could exchange presents now."

I rolled my eyes at him. We'd made an agreement not to buy each other anything. I couldn't think of anything I wanted – except maternity clothes since I was living in Logans clothes. And he had more money that he could possibly need and everything he could possibly want. There wasn't a single thing I could've bought him. So, we made an agreement. He bought me a few maternity tops and a pair of leggings and in exchange, I was giving him sex. He seemed pretty happy with the deal and I certainly wasn't complaining.

"Now?" I asked, shifting to sit up.

He nodded and rose to his feet. I watched him with a frown and my confusion only grew when he retrieved a small sparkly gift bag from somewhere in the closet. "What's this?" I asked when he handed it to me. "You already gave me my clothes this morning."

"I know," he said, his lips twitching upwards in the corners, "just open it."

"But we said we weren't going to do presents," I reminded him with a glare.

His smirk only deepened. "I know," he repeated, "just open it."

With an eye roll, I tore open the bag, unable to keep the smile off my face. Despite my protests, I loved opening presents and wasn't going to carry on wasting time arguing about it. Inside the bag were two envelopes, both addressed to me. "Open that one first," he instructed, gesturing to the larger envelope.

I glanced up at him, trying to read his expression as I ripped open the paper but he gave nothing away. Once I'd peeled it open, I pulled out several sheets of paper. "What's this?" I asked him curiously.

I unfolded the first piece of paper to find a photograph of a house. It was huge, built from stone and surrounded by wild gardens. A long, paved driveway swept up to the front of the property and steps descended from the large entrance beneath a stone archway. There were huge, timber-framed windows and gabled roofs and strings of ivy decorating the tall walls. "What is this?" I asked again, admiring the beautiful mansion.

"I bought it."

I glanced up at him, my eyes wide. "What? Why?"

As I waited for his response, I dropped the page and picked up the next one. It showed a bird's eye view of the property, set within acres of land. The driveway was much longer than I had realised, reaching the main road after passing through what looked like a large apartment complex.

"It's going to be where we live," he explained and I looked up at him, a smile crossing my face, "this is going to be our home, where we raise our children."

"You're serious?" I asked him.

"Do you like it?"

Tears dotted my eyes as I looked back down at the image of the house. "It's beautiful," I told him, and it was. The perfect blend of modern and traditional.

Logan smiled before gesturing to the cluster of buildings near the entrance to the driveway. "I also bought all these apartment buildings."

This made me furrow my brows. "Why?"

"It's where the guards will live. You can't access the property without passing through this complex as there's a big stone wall all the way around... which I'll be adding some of my own security features to. And it means my soldiers won't have to live with us, they can live in their own homes with their own families and still protect us."

I had to admit, it was a smart idea. "You wanted our children to have a normal life and we also want them to be safe, I figured this was a way to ensure both," he finished and my heart pattered in my chest as I leafed through the rest of the papers, my jaw dropped. From the bright and modern kitchen, to the cozy lounge and the pool in the garden, my smile only grew.

"There's eight bedrooms and eight bathrooms," he said with a grin, "that should be enough."

I shot him a look that only made him smirk. "Well, we can extend if we need to."

"We won't need to," I assured him with a shake of my head. I looked back to the papers once again, looking at the beautiful house, our house. "I love it," I told him, leaning up to kiss him, "thank you."

"I'm glad you like it," he said with a soft smile. "And, I haven't completely forsaken safety measures. The basement is a panic room, bullet proof, bomb proof, completely safe," he frowned for a moment, his expression serious, "just in case."

I didn't reply to that, despite the sinking feeling in my stomach, instead, I kissed him again. "Open the other one," he instructed a moment later. I'd completely forgotten about the other envelope and couldn't rip the paper apart fast enough. When I did, I found another stack of papers inside.

The first was a house, yet again. A beautiful cream building with grand archways all along a sheltered terrace and a terracotta slated roof. Behind the building was an enormous infinity pool that looked out over the sparkling ocean. "Did you buy this too?" I questioned, again, moving to the next sheet of paper that was an advertisement for a spa treatment. I frowned and glanced up at Logan but he only smirked back at me. I moved to the next page and gasped, coming across two flight tickets to Italy. "We're going to Italy?" I asked him.

He nodded and I looked back at the villa that I assumed we would be staying in. "For our honeymoon."

His words took a moment to register and when they did, I gasped up at him, my eyes sparkling with tears when he pulled out a ring box. "Marry me." 

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