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I wasn't sure which part of Logan's statement scared me more. 'Next time' or the fact he claimed to have gone easy on me.

Either way, anticipation stirred in my gut and by the time the following morning rolled around, I couldn't sit still. I wasn't sure I could be in Logan's presence after what happened between us the day before. The love bites on my neck, the bruises on my nipples and the ache between my legs all served as a reminder that we'd crossed the line.

Before yesterday, the parameters of our relationship were clear. I was his hostage and he was my kidnapper. We hated each other. Simple as that.

And in a way, that hadn't changed.

He thought of me as his property and I thought of him as a cold, emotionless asshole. Except now he was an asshole that had elicited the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced out of me.

When Gavin came to announce that breakfast was ready, my cheeks flamed. I really hoped that he hadn't been standing outside my door like he usually did when I was screaming Logan's name. There was no doubt that he would've heard just how desperate and needy I was while Logan worked my body with his fingers.

I thanked him, doing my best to hide my humiliation. He didn't see to act any differently but I imagined all of Logan's employees had mastered their poker face. It was probably a requirement.

I made my way to the dining room with my stomach twisting, only to find it empty. I took my seat, wondering why Logan hadn't come down yet. He was always here before me, seated at the head of the table reading the newspaper. Fiona brought out only one plate of food and I frowned. "Where's Logan?" I asked her.

"He had business to attend to," she said, smiling softly at me when I thanked her for the food. I ate in silence, my mind preoccupied with wondering what Logan could be doing so early in the morning. This went on for the next three days, he left early in the morning and arrived back late at night. I hadn't seen him for even a minute and I couldn't figure out whether I was annoyed or relieved.

I spent all day roaming the house, using the home gym and watching movies in the cinema room. It was nice to relax and not have to worry about Logans looming presence but unfortunately for me, it didn't last long. I was lay across my bed one afternoon, listening to music when I faintly heard a knock at the door.

I removed my earphones, frowning. "Come in," I called, feeling a dip in my stomach when I realised Logan could've come home.

Although it wasn't him on the other side of the door. Instead, the stuttering man, Kevin, that had replaced Henry, came shuffling in. "Miss," he greeted with a polite nod before clearing his throat. I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. "I... hello, I..." he coughed before trying again, "Mr Sternato has um... has requested to see you."

I frowned. "I thought he was out."

The man shook his head. "We um... we have um, we've just returned."

"Oh," I said with a nod. So after ignoring me for the past three days, Logan suddenly wanted to see me.

"He wants to see you now, Miss," Kevin stated, putting as much force behind his words as I'm sure he was able to.

I couldn't help but smirk. "No thank you."

Kevin looked rather taken aback as I stayed exactly where I was. I'd spent the last three days thinking about Logan's hands on me, his lips on mine. If he wanted something to happen again, he would have to come to me himself. I wouldn't go crawling to him, no matter how much I wanted him.

"Miss?" Kevin called, his voice weak.

"Please let Logan know that if he wants to see me, he should come and talk to me himself."

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