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I stared up at Logan with wide eyes while a deep scowl crossed his face. His dark eyes swept across the mess of files and folders I had in his office and I followed his path, realising just how bad this was.

I rose to my feet slowly, moving away from the safe and simultaneously, away from Logan. His eyes locked on me and he stayed silent, glaring at me while I opened and closed my mouth, lost for words.

And then I took another look at all the files and thought of each person I had read about and seen dead and my fear changed into anger.

"What the hell is in that safe?" I snapped, gesturing towards the locked door.

He furrowed his brows. "Thats all you have to say? I asked what you were doing!"

"Whats in the safe Logan?" I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at him.

With a growl, he approached the large black box set into the wall and jabbed in a code before the door clicked open. I watched, holding my breath as he pulled out a large, thick folder and handed it to me.

Hesitantly, I took it from him and slowly opened it to see pages with photos of a girl at the top and their personal information beneath. "Did you kill these girls too?" I breathed, my heart hammering as I looked at the huge folder.

"They are all the girls I have bought from auctions," he barked back, rolling his eyes.

I frowned, finally looking up to properly face him. "There's thousands here," I commented and he nodded.

"Three thousand, four hundred and twenty six," he stated.

"And you let them all go?"

He scoffed and shot me an incredulous look. "Of course I did."

I set the folder down with a sigh and ran my hands over my face, more confused than ever. "Why is this locked away?"

He leant back against the closed door and narrowed his eyes at me. "So nobody can get the girls information and try to track them down," he answered before looking past me to his desk and nodding. "Your turn."

With a sigh, I turned to the mass of open files. "I was curious," I answered honestly. "Do you keep a file on everyone you kill?" I asked him. Disgust oozed from my tone and I couldn't help but look at him in annoyance.

"No," he answered with a shake of his head, "just the ones that were planned."

"You killed Stacey," I commented.

He furrowed his brows. Who?"

"My step mother."

"Oh." He folded his arms over his chest and shrugged. "She hurt you, I thought you would be glad she was dead."

"There are children in there Logan!" I snapped back, pointing to the files and thinking of the few kids that I had seen dead.

"Mia, they're old," he answered, frowning at me. "I told you, I'm not like that anymore."

I knew he was right but that wasn't what bothered me. "What about our baby?" I asked and he frowned in confusion. "I don't want them to grow up around this, I don't want my child to be forced into this life."

"Our child," he corrected with a frown. "And they won't. I would never force my kid to me a part of this life."

I shook my head. "What if we have a son?" I asked, "he won't have much choice, he'll be your heir."

Logan nodded, stepping closer to me. "Yes, he will. But I didn't become Don because my father was. I worked my way up through the rankings. I took over from the last Boss because he didn't have an heir. If we have a son and he wants nothing to do with the mafia, I'll find someone else to take over."

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