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I wasn't sure how many days passed. I spent my time attached to Logan. I didn't leave his side during the day, sitting with him while he worked. Many of his men glared at me when they came to speak with him but I didn't care. I couldn't stand the thought of being alone. On the odd occasions I was, my mind raced with thoughts of my family and I couldn't help but crumble. I felt like my whole world had flipped upside down.

Logan had been patient with me. He held me while I cried, talking to me softly and assured me that he would take care of everything. I couldn't deny how relieved I was to have him around. Without him, I'm sure I would've broken.

I finally let him do some work without me one morning, deciding to take a long bath. The water had long gone cold but I was too lost in my thoughts to even notice. I didn't realise how much time had passed until Logan entered the bathroom, chuckling behind me. "How long have you been sitting there?" He asked, crouching beside me and taking my hand. He studied my shrivelled fingers and grinned. "You look like an old woman."

I barely heard him, staring up at the ceiling while he muttered something beside me. I only turned to him when he removed the plug and allowed the water to start draining away. Once the water level was low enough, he reached in and wrapped his arms around me, soaking the sleeves of his shirt. "Come on," he mumbled.

He lifted me out of the tub and wrapped one of his huge, fluffy towels around me. I still didn't speak. I didn't know what to say to him. Although, he seemed to understand. He wrapped his arms around me, folding me into his chest while he dabbed my hair dry. "Talk to me," he eventually said, resting his chin on my head.

I sighed, turning in his arms so I was facing him. His arms felt so secure around me and I couldn't help but sink into him. "I need to speak to my sister," I told him, voicing the only thing I knew with absolute certainty. My sister was alone in the house with my father and I wanted to believe more than anything that he would never hurt her but I couldn't take that risk. She needed to know everything I knew so she could make that decision herself.

Logan nodded. "I'll send someone to bring her," he said.

I shook my head, pulling away to look at him. "I want to go there," I said, "I need to see him... speak to him. I need to understand."

He looked taken aback and a frown overtook his features. It was clear he wasn't happy with the idea and I could hardly blame him. If what Logan had been told was true, if my father had actually -. Well, if that was the case, I couldn't guarantee that I was safe around him and Logan knew that but he nodded regardless. "Okay," he said before leaning down and taking my lips in his. Everything about him felt so warm and safe and comforting, the complete opposite to how everyone else sees him. Being in his arms had started to feel like home.

He kissed me softly, his movements slow, exploring my mouth without rush. He pulled my bottom lip into his mouth and his nose brushed against mine. "I hope you know I'm not letting you go alone," he murmured into my mouth and I smiled against him.

"Thank you."

He pulled away and nodded. "Get dressed, I'll get some guys together, just in case," he muttered. All I could do was nod, reluctant to let go of him. He pecked my lips again before leaving and all the weight I'd been struggling with came crashing back down onto my shoulders. I hated how empty I felt without him. I'd become a clingy, obsessive girlfriend in the space of a week and I'm sure he was sick of me.

And the worst part was, I wasn't actually his girlfriend.

Although I think being the mother of his children meant we were official.

I dressed in a pair of leggings and a hoodie of Logans that disguised my baby bump and threw my damp hair up into a bun. I charged down the stairs before my nerves got the better of me. I had no idea what I would say or do when I got to my house but I knew I needed to be there. I needed to see Ashley and hopefully everything else would come to me in the moment.

Logan waited for me in the foyer, a small cluster of men gathered behind him. "Go," he ordered them, gesturing towards the cars outside. They all leapt out the doors and the sight made me chuckle. They were all huge, arrogant men, the typical alpha males in normal society, and yet, they flinched when Logan opened his mouth. One word from him and they were doing exactly what they were told. I found it extremely sexy.

"Sure about this?" He asked and I nodded despite my apprehension.

I stayed silent throughout the journey; my hand locked in Logan's. My leg bounced when we neared my street. "He won't hurt you again," Logan stated, his eyes reflecting just how serious he was.

I nodded. "I know."

We pulled up outside the house moments later and my heart jumped into my throat. "I feel sick," I muttered to Logan. I couldn't imagine how my sister would react when I told her what I knew. She would be so heartbroken – if she even believed me.

"It's going to be ok," Logan assured me, squeezing my hand before getting out of the car. Around us, men swarmed the front of the house and I knew every single one was armed and prepared for anything. I felt déjà vu as I approached the door. The last time I was here my father had tried to destroy the children I never even knew I wanted.

Ashley had always been the one that wanted to settle down and have kids. I couldn't think of anything more boring, at least until now. Now I felt like boring sounded perfect. Since finding out I was pregnant, I'd been back and forth on the idea of being a mother but after my father tried to take it all away from me, I realised how much I wanted this.

I wanted to be a good mother. I knew what it was like to live without a mother and after years with Stacey, I knew what a bad mother looked like. And so did Logan. I wanted to be better for my children. All I wanted was to do everything I could do make sure my children were happy and safe. And I wanted to do it by Logan's side.

With a deep breath, I knocked the door. It didn't take long before the door opened and I came face to face with my dad. The breath was knocked out of me and his eyes widened. "Mia?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. A smile suddenly broke out on his face and I felt my heart patter. "I'm so glad you're here, sweetheart."

All I could do was shake my head. "I need to speak to Ashley," I croaked out but he was barely listening to me.

His eyes focused on the men behind me. "What are you doing here? What is this?" He spat, eyes fixating on Logan who tightened his hold around my waist. Hearing him snap like that made my stomach flip. It wasn't a side we never saw. He'd never been the kind of parent that shouted. He was always calm and while I knew his men were weary of him and talked of his short temper, it was something I rarely saw. And now, staring at him as he clenched his fists and glared at Logan, I couldn't help but conjure up images in my mind. How far would he really go? Was he really capable of killing someone he claimed to love?

"Let's go inside," Logan suggested, "I'd hate to draw attention to ourselves." He nodded towards the fairly busy road behind us and then glanced between the armed men. My father looked furious, but nodded nonetheless.

"What are you doing here?" he asked again once we were all inside.

Logan ignored him and turned to me. "I'll beback," I told him before he reached down and kissed me. I could feel thetension in the room and when I pulled away, my dad was glaring daggers at Loganbut I ignored him. "Love you," I whispered before turning, straightening up,and making my way up the stairs. 

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