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"Do you eat in here?" I asked him, ignoring his comment. 


"Every day?" I continued.


He wasn't exactly a sparkling conversationalist.

"Do you have a lot of family then?"

I wasn't entirely sure why anyone would want to have dinner with this man. You could never be too sure you would live to eat dessert.

"No, I eat alone," he snapped, crossing his very muscular arms over his chest impatiently.

"What about your family? Don't they live here too?"

I hadn't heard much about the Sternato family. All I knew was that Logan's father was a capo like mine, but after he was killed, Logan took over as man of the household and gained the respect of everyone within the mafia. When our last Don was killed in battle and his son rejected the mafia and was killed for his betrayal, Logan stepped up and expanded the Familia's until he led the largest and deadliest mafia in history.

"I don't have any family, darling," he barked.

I turned to face him and studied his hard expression. He was trying to hide his emotions but for a split second, his eyes softened and I saw it. Of course, it didn't last long before he was scowling back at me.

"If I agree, will I be able to eat in here?" I asked him. The guy was an ass and I hated him, but eating my breakfast in my room on my own every morning had started to get lonely and eating meals together had always been an important tradition in my family.


I sighed. "Logan, it's obvious that you don't like me and if I'm completely honest, I can't say I particularly like you either. But I am stuck here, with you, for god knows how long. Wouldn't it be easier if we were at least civil?"

He took one long stride so he was right in front of me and released an animalistic growl. "I don't care if you like me or not, you are here as my property, not my friend." He spoke quietly and threateningly and I sighed.

"Fine, but I like this room so I am throwing that into our negotiation. I want to eat down here as well," I stated and then strolled past him and out of the beautiful room. "Where next?"

He groaned and strode ahead, down a long hallway. On either side, large doors stood, some guarded and some not. "If there are guards outside the door, you don't go in. Those rooms aren't available to you," he explained and my curiosity piqued.

"Why, what's in them?" I questioned.

He simply glared at me, raising an incredulous eyebrow. "Ok, what about these unguarded rooms?" I asked and he nodded towards the nearest one. I stepped towards it cautiously and turned the handle until the door clicked open.

My jaw fell as I stepped inside and examined the huge home gym. An enormous rock-climbing wall covered the one wall face and a treadmill, rowing machine, exercise bike and several weight machines were positioned around the room.

I scanned the room closely, finding speakers in every corner and a shower tucked away behind the climbing wall. "This is incredible," I breathed, turning to Logan who leant against a fridge stocked with water bottles. "Do you use this?"

"Of course I use it, I wouldn't have it in my house if I didn't," he retorted and I scowled.

"And here I was thinking you didn't leave your office. I bet you sleep in there don't you," I quipped, picking up one of the smaller weights. "This is all state of the art, I bet it cost a hell of a lot."

"It did."

I rolled my eyes at his blunt replies. "Would I be allowed to use it?" I asked hopefully, eyeing the climbing wall eagerly.

"Yes." He shrugged and then turned to leave. I sighed and dropped the weight, following him out the room and down the hallway to the next one. He pushed the door open to reveal his own bloody cinema.

"No way." I scoffed, admiring the massive screen and the rows of red chairs. "How the hell could you leave me to die of boredom in that room when you have this amazing house?"

"Unfortunately, you didn't die from the boredom," he grunted and I laughed.

"It jokes," I teased and he glared at me, but not before the corners of his lips twitched upwards.

"I wasn't joking," he stated bluntly but I grinned nonetheless.

"So, what movies do you have?" I asked him, flopping into one of the front row seats. "Is that a vending machine?" A huge glass door on the left of the screen revealed shelves of crisps and drinks and sweets.

"Yes, and this plays any movie you want to watch. You just type it in," he explained, looking bored.

"A kid would love this place," I commented. I loved this place. I sure as hell was taking that deal. "What else is there here? A bowling alley? Theme Park? Zoo?"

"There's an indoor pool downstairs, an arcade down the hall although I never use it, the guards do if they ever get a day off. That's it really." He shrugged while my jaw scraped along the floor.

"A fucking arcade?"


"You know, it's a good job you keep it all a secret otherwise you would have people lining up to move in." I scoffed and then turned to him. "What's on the third floor?"

He frowned. "My room, you step foot in there and I will shoot you on the spot," he warned.

"A simple 'don't go up there' would've been fine," I said and he glared. Again.

"Do we have a deal or not because you have distracted me enough today as it is, I have work to do," he snapped impatiently.

"You have to be fair," I demanded. "I'm not counting something stupid like rolling my eyes at your bullshit as breaking a rule."

His dark eyes narrowed. "I'll judge what is breaking the rules and what isn't."

"Promise," I ordered, standing to face him and crossing my arms. "Promise you will be fair."

I could hear as he ground his teeth before seething a "fine."

I nodded, pleased. "Then deal." I smiled and reached my hand out to shake his.

He ignored it and took a step forward so our toes were touching. "My guards will let you know when you are allowed to leave the room in the morning and you have to head back by 10pm at night. I will accept 10 minutes later if you lose track of time but it better not happen often. Are we clear?" He growled.

That sounded reasonable so I nodded. "Good." He nodded, satisfied, "Henry will collect you from wherever you are when I request you and you will go to your room to change immediately," he stated before turning and leaving.

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