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The next morning, I stood in the bathroom with a pout, staring at myself in the mirror after my shower. The nurse had said I was only a few weeks pregnant but still, I was sure my breasts were bigger and my stomach looked swollen.

"Mia?" I heard Logan call from the bedroom before there was a tap on the door. "Are you okay in there?"

"Yeah," I mumbled in response.

"You've been in there a while," he called, concern lacing his tone. A couple of seconds later, the door cracked open and he was peering inside. "What's wrong?"

"Do you think I look fat?" I asked him, frowning at my reflection.

His deep, throaty laugh rumbled through the room as he approached me and for some reason, tears welled in my eyes. "I knew it," I muttered.

"Darling, you're only a few weeks pregnant. Of course you're not fat," he said softly, reaching out and resting his hands on my hips. "You look beautiful."

I smiled at him in our reflection, his arms around me and his chin perched on the top of my head. "You've gone soft," I muttered with a smirk.

He growled behind me before pushing me forward until my thighs hit the counter. With a strong hand, he forced my back so I was bent over the counter with my ass in the air. "Believe me I haven't," he growled into my ear, nibbling gently at the skin on my neck.

I squirmed in his strong hold before he slammed his palm down onto my ass. "Now, you are not fat," he growled before pulling me up to stand straight. "Got that?"

"You promise?" I asked.

"Promise," he growled, stroking his hand through my hair. "Now I have to go, I have something to do."

I frowned. "What?"

"There are some people I have to deal with," he muttered, "I've told Fiona to bring you some food in a bit and I will be back in a few hours."

"You better be," I mumbled, shaking my head at him. "I'm not having this baby on my own."

He chuckled. "No you're not. I'll see you later." He pecked my forehead before turning to leave.

I dressed and dried my hair before finally leaving the bathroom and dropping onto the bed. I was starting to get extremely bored with bed rest and decided that since Logan wasn't here to boss me around, I may as well roam around the house.

It was a lot quieter than usual downstairs, with the maids still scurrying around cleaning and a portion of Logans guards scattered around. Of course, he had taken the majority of his men with him to complete whatever task he had left to do but he had left more than enough to protect the house.

I ended up using the time he was gone to explore the rest of his house since I had only really seen a few rooms. Along the middle floor were a large number of beautiful, empty bedrooms and bathrooms and I couldn't help but picture our child growing up in one of them.

Downstairs was much bigger with the maids quarters down a hallway off the kitchen that had its own private staircase up to a few separate rooms upstairs which is where Fiona told me she slept.

Also on the ground floor were the guards rooms. There were hundred of them, each looking like dorm rooms with two beds, a wardrobe and a small bathroom. These rooms filled half of the mansion on the ground floor and also a large portion of the basement - separate from all the cells and torture chambers.

After wandering around for a long time, I ended up in Logans office and dropped into his office chair, sinking into the soft leather and sighing in comfort. I allowed my gaze to sweep through the room, noting the number of files and folders that lined the shelves.

My curiosity got the best of me and I began leafing through each of them, reading the pages filled with letters, names, dates and some extremely gruesome photographs.

It didn't take long for me to find the file labelled 'Stacey Mitchell" and I started to look through it, seeing the details about her marriage to my father and the contract they had signed. I continued to flick through until I caught sight of a photograph and the papers slipped from my hands and scattered across the floor.

I gasped and stumbled backwards, my heart racing in my chest as I looked at the image that now lay at my feet. It was difficult to identify the body that was lay face down in its own blood but the fake blonde hair gave her away and tears filled my eyes.

I knew Logan had ended their contract and freed my family from Stacey but I had no idea that he had killed her. I felt sick as I looked down at her dead body and gathered the scattered papers.

I dropped the file on Logans desk before taking out another with a name at the top and leafing through to read personal details, names of relatives and bank statements before I arrived at the photos of their body torn up and dumped in a ditch.

My tears began to fall as I went through file after file, all of which ended the same way. I looked at the men, women and children that he had murdered with blurred eyes until I couldn't stand to see another.

I moved on to piles of letter between him and other men, the majority of which were threatening.

Eventually my eyes landed on the large safe at the side of the room. My mind stirred as I approached it. If he kept these files on show, what kind of things did he hide away?

My heart hammered in my chest as I tried different combinations on the keypad, so completely engrossed with what I was doing that I didn't hear footsteps until a deep voice growled out behind me.

"What the hell are you doing?"

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