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Possible trigger warning!

The next morning, Gavin alerted me that breakfast was ready and explained that I could eat downstairs. I thanked him and dressed quickly before trying to remember where the kitchen was.

When I entered, I was greeted with the sight of Fiona and seven or eight maids. "Good morning," I called and they all glanced over at me in surprise.

I noticed how a couple of the maids looked about my age and wondered how they had ended up here, had Logan simply hired them or had he kidnapped them?

"Good morning, Miss Mia." Fiona curtsied. "Your breakfast is in the dining room," she explained and pointed towards the double doors at the end of the kitchen.

"Thank you." I smiled at them all before pulling open the doors and stepping into the beautiful room. It looked even better with the sun slicing through the French windows and the large, brooding man sat at the end of the table definitely didn't ruin the view.

"Good morning," I greeted him chirpily, excited for my first day of freedom. Surprise surprise, I went ignored.

I noticed my plate was at the opposite end of the really long table so picked it up and moved it so I was sat nearer to Logan. "What are you doing?" He snapped.

"I wouldn't be able to talk to you down there," I explained with a shrug and he scowled.

"That was the point."

I rolled my eyes, a small grin on my face and took a bite of the delicious looking cooked breakfast. I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my lips as I tasted my first mouthful, it was truly incredible.

"Do you always make such inappropriate noises when you eat?" Logan snapped, agitated.

I blushed. "No, your cooks just make really amazing food." I mumbled.

"It's adequate."

I scoffed. "Wow, you really know how to compliment."

"I pay them, don't I?" He snapped back. "When it's completely perfect, I will say so," he muttered and I sighed, shaking my head.

Fiona entered the room just a second later with a freshly brewed pot of tea and replaced the empty one. "This is delicious Fiona-," I shot Logan a look, "-thank you."

"You are very welcome, Miss Mia." She smiled gently and the scuttled away in her worn-down shoes.

Once she had left, I turned back to Logan who had now finished his meal and had buried his nose in the paper. "May I ask you something?"

I waited with baited breath as he put down the paper and looked at me exasperatedly. "What?"

"Yesterday, you said you didn't have a family. What happened?" I asked softly.

He furrowed his eyebrows and glared harshly at me while I prepared for his yelling. "I took over the gang when my father died and my mother wanted nothing to do with me so moved away," he stated as if it wasn't at all important.

I sighed. "Maybe she doesn't like the fact you torture and murder people," I muttered before clamping my mouth shut. I turned my head slowly to see pure rage on Logans face and my heart pounded. "I didn't-."

"Get up!" He ordered sharply and I could feel myself trembling.

"Logan, I didn't mean-."

"I said get up!" He screamed, his dark eyes fixated on me while I nodded shakily and rose from the chair. This was the first time I'd heard him raise his voice. He always spoke in a low, threatening tone and I had thought that it was somehow more intimidating that shouting, however, hearing him now made me realise how wrong I was. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "Logan please-." He cut me off by clasping his hand around my neck and forcing me out the room towards the foyer. 

His hand was heavy around my throat but I could still breathe normally. Tears trickled down my cheeks and I shook violently, knowing that I had pushed my luck one too many times. "Logan please." I begged. "I'm sorry, please stop."

I stumbled in front of him while he marched up the stairs, my heart thudding with every step. What I didn't expect was for him to turn and carry on up to the third floor, the one he told me only yesterday was his room.

"Logan?" I questioned, struggling to breathe when he started to tighten his grasp around my throat. "Logan! Logan please stop, I'm sorry." I sobbed once we reached the top.

I vaguely glimpsed at his room through my tears, noting that it was extremely dark and all the furniture was wood. That was all I could look at before I was forced onto the huge bed in the middle of the room.

My heart was hammering even faster at this point. "No, no please," I whimpered when the realisation of where I was truly settled in.

I was in Logan Sternato's bed. And he was furious.

"You are going to regret that," he hissed, his fists clenched at his side while I backed away, scrambling across the huge bed until my back hit the headboard.

I cried.

I sobbed and sobbed as he prowled towards me, his breathing ragged and his eyes flooded with rage. "Please Logan. Please don't," I begged him, holding out my hands to keep him away.

He leapt forwards, grabbing my throat once again and hauling me towards him, treating me more like a rag doll than a person. The tears continued to roll down my face as he pinned me to the bed.

"I don't recommend moving," he threatened and I looked up to meet his dark eyes rake over me.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed, shaking beneath him while his hands grasped mine and pinned them at my side.

The weight of him suddenly moved onto me, crushing me beneath him. "You will be. Don't scream too loud darling," he requested before clawing at my clothes.

"Logan please, I'm still a... Logan, I'm-." I cut myself off, not wanting to finish but he froze. "Please, please stop," I whispered as his eyes raised to meet mine.

"You're a virgin," he growled, removing his hands slowly and placing them either side of me to support his body weight.

Once his weight was lifted off of me, I could release a breath and nod. "Yes. Please don't do this. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry-."

"Shut up and get out," he barked, moving off of me and glaring while I shakily sat up.


"Now!" I jumped from his scream but nodded and ran from the room, tears spilling down my cheeks and sobs escaping my throat as I did. 

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