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I checked my watch once again, noting that it had been ten minutes since I'd left Mia to get dressed. I'd been taken aback when I'd barged into her room, furious when my newest employee, Kevin, had returned to the office, a bumbling bag of nerves, and explained that Mia had told me to wait.

Who did she think she was?

I'd grit my teeth and dismissed him before his stuttering made me knock his teeth out. When I'd gone to remind her to show some damn respect, my train of thought fell away when I caught side of her. Her hair had been curled and pinned back so it couldn't fall into her face and her makeup was minimal but still, she looked breath-taking.

"Sir?" One of my men called. I furrowed my brows and turned to him. "The car's outside."

I nodded before turning back to the stairs at the sound of heels clicking against the marble floors. The breath left my lungs when my eyes fell on Mia. I immediately wanted to cancel my plans to ensure nobody else saw her like this. The dress I'd picked out hugged her body perfectly. The low-cut V-neck highlighted enough of her cleavage to make my mouth water and my dick twitch. The deep red material wrapped around her delicious curves and the low back revealed enough of her smooth, lightly tanned skin that all I could think about was running my hands all over her.

"What?" She asked softly when she came to a stop in front of me and I was still staring at her. This woman was sure to be the death of me. "What!" She snapped, a light blush colouring her cheeks as she glanced down at herself nervously. She had no idea how beautiful she looked.

"You look exquisite," I told her as she looked back up and met my eyes.

Her eyes widened slightly. "Oh, thank you," she said, a small smile gracing her face. "Thank you for the dress, it's beautiful."

I nodded, taking the opportunity to admire her in it once again. "You're welcome."

Behind her, my men began to scatter, preparing for the evening. A large number of my men moved towards the cars, ready to accompany me to the banquet. This was supposed to be a peaceful meal to meet new business partners and expand our allies, however, you could never be too careful. My soldiers would wait outside but I made sure I was sufficiently armed so I could defend myself and Mia until they got inside if anything did occur.

"You need to be on your best behaviour tonight," I told Mia as I looped my arm through hers and led her towards the car outside.

She glared back at me and rolled her eyes but I tightened my grip on her arm. "I mean it Mia; these aren't men you want to mess around."

We stopped beside the car and I opened the door, stepping aside so she could slide in. "They can't be worse than you," she said with a smirk, blinking up at me with an innocent look in her eyes. I shot her a look before closing the car door and rounding the back. I slipped in beside her, waiting for a couple of minutes before one of my men climbed in and drove off.

"What's this dinner for?" Mia asked after a long stretch of silence.

"Business," I told her. The less she knew, the better. It was a requirement to attend the dinner with a woman and most of the men simply paid someone to escort them and then spend the night with them. It was an expensive date but it was much easier to bring someone who could be paid to stay silent. Other men took their wives but they remained on their arm at all times and were advised against speaking to anyone other than polite greetings.

I saw her roll her eyes in my peripheral vision but she stayed quiet, clearly realising she wasn't going to get any further information. We drove for about twenty minutes before the driver lowered the screen that separated him from us and announced we were five minutes away.

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