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There is a lot of possible triggering content throughout this book. As stated in the description, this book is based around the Mafia and therefor contains references to drugs, violence and sexual assault.

Please remember throughout this story that the male lead is supposed to be unlikeable but that his behaviour is also considered fairly normal in the Mafia world before commenting anything negative about the story.

On that note, I really hope you guys enjoy this book, its taken me forever to write x

PS: There is also smut... it wouldn't be a Mafia romance without it! (You do have to be patient though)


The brisk cold wind howled outside, whipping up the autumn leaves and sending them dancing through the air. I watched from my seat at the window, a steaming mug of cocoa in my hands and a thin blanket draped over my shoulders.

"Mia?" My sister called from behind me, snapping me out of my trance. My entire attention had been captured by the array of colours in our front garden, the oranges and browns decorating the trees, the huge evergreen still thriving in the centre and the white layer of frost dusting the lawn.

I turned slowly away from the sight to see my favourite person in the world looking at me quizzically. "What are you doing?" She frowned.

While autumn and winter had always been my favourite months of the year, my twin sister, Ashley, much preferred the warmth of summer. For me, there was nothing worse than sweltering and smelling of sweat for months on end but she loved having golden skin and lounging around beneath the strong rays of the sun.

"Nothing," I answered her, taking a long sip from my drink and sighing from the delicious taste.

"It's so cold," Ashely complained for the maybe fifth time since we had gotten home from college. We both attended the same college, not far from our home town. Ashley was studying childhood education in the hopes of one day either teaching children or at least working alongside them and I studied criminal behaviour because it was far more interesting than children.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. I loved the coldness. It allowed me to layer up with jumpers and thick socks and throw a blanket over me so I was cosy and warm. "Put a jumper on," I told my sister, watching her strut around in a thin top.

She rolled her eyes right back at me, deciding to ignore my advice and continue to complain instead. "I miss the summer," she grumbled under her breath.

Before I could snap at her for complaining, the front door swung open and my father stepped through the entrance, a wide smile on his face when his gaze landed on us.

"Hi dad," I called, leaning back against the cushions and smiling.

"Hi sweetheart," he answered me while kissing the top of my sister's head. "How was class?"

"Good." Ashley nodded, a smile on her face. "We got to spend some time with the kids today," she explained and my dad smiled.

"That's great honey," he said, nodding along as she continued to discuss each child in the class in extreme detail. Over her shoulder, I pretended to yawn and my father chuckled softly before a pillow was thrown at my head.

"Shut up," Ashley whined, the biggest smile on her face.

I grinned back. "I'm starving... what's for dinner dad?" I asked him, turning to see him frown.

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