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I was completely in over my head.

Now that I'd had a taste of Mia, seen her face when she comes undone, heard her moan my name; I couldn't get enough. I was completely addicted to this woman. I'd almost laughed yesterday when Kevin had told me that she refused to come with him. She was asking to be fucked. And when I'd stormed in, hell bent on making her pay for her attitude, her eyes actually lit up.

She was insane. I couldn't understand how she could be such a brat outside of the bedroom and yet, perfectly obedient when an orgasm was at stake. If only she was so well behaved all the time, maybe she'd be easier to tolerate.

Although, I couldn't deny that her argumentative, sarcastic side did intrigue me and I couldn't pretend I didn't respect her for it. It was surprising to see from the women in the mafia. Most of them were quiet, meek women who obeyed their husbands without second thought.

I could hardly concentrate on my work, my mind constantly drifting back to fucking Mia's mouth in the shower last night. It was hot, raw and dirty. And so fucking good. I tossed my computer keyboard aside in annoyance, already getting hard again thinking about how her eyes rolled back into her head while I fucked her throat.

I needed release.

With that in mind, I sent Kevin to fetch Mia, hoping she'd refuse again so I could spank her ass until it was raw. My fists were tightly clenched at my sides while I waited impatiently for him to return and when he did, a smirk crossed my face. He was alone.

"Um," he started, taking about an hour to get a sentence out. He'd been a cocky asshole when I'd first met him while he was trying to steal from one of my warehouses. When, after months of torture, he finally broke and told me who he worked for, he was a stumbling mess and continued to be to this day. I rather enjoyed how nervous and uncomfortable he was, so different from the prick I'd captured. It was a reminder that I could break anyone.

"What is it Kevin," I barked, watching him shuffle around nervously in the doorway.

"I... um, I... well I couldn't find her, sir," he finally admitted and my back straightened immediately.

"What the hell do you mean you couldn't find her?"

His eyes widened at my tone. "I...uh... she wasn't um... wasn't in her room. The guard outside said she went downstairs and um, well, I looked in all the usual places. She uh... she wasn't there."

I tried my best to ignore the panic that flared in my chest and pinned Kevin with a cold glare. "Well, look again," I ordered, my fists clenched at my sides. I felt the burn of anger rise in the back of my throat and tried to take steady breaths while he hurriedly left the room. It was no secret to anyone that I had a temper.

My father was the same, always losing control and lashing out when things didn't go his way. As a kid, it had frightened me. I couldn't understand why his reaction was so severe for a problem that was so small and easily fixable. But as I grew older, I started feeling the irrational desire to yell and use violence when people didn't deliver. I did my best to control my emotions and calm down when I felt anger stir but it wasn't one of my strong suits.

And since meeting Mia, all she did was test the patience and control I tried so hard to master.

Where the hell was she? I found myself hoping that this was some ploy to get punished. That she knew exactly what she was doing, leading me on a wild goose chase so she could watch me snap. I wouldn't have put it past her. But there was a small part of me that grew nervous the longer I waited for Kevin to return. He should've found her by now.

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