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Ascream reverberated around the room and Damien's large body dropped to theground with a thud. Blood pooled around him, spilling across the concrete. Hiseyes were wide and his breathing laboured, as he stared back at Logan in shock.I watched with a dropped jaw as the rest of the men took panicked steps back. "Ok fine," David said, holding up his shaking hands, "just take the girls and go, we don't want any trouble."

Logan tilted his head, the butt of his gun still pointed at them for a moment before he turned to me. My eyes widened a little as he approached me until the warm skin of his hand brushed over my cheek. "Did they hurt you?" He asked me, his dark eyes softening.

I opened my mouth and then closed it again, not sure what to say. I was a little reluctant to tell him they whipped my ass while all his guards surrounded us. He grit his teeth and nodded, clearly knowing my answer without me having to say it.

He turned back to David and pulled the trigger of his gun again, shooting him straight in his shoulder. A yelp resonated around the room as his hand moved to hold the bleeding wound. "You really shouldn't have laid a hand on my girl," Logan growled, raising his eyebrows.

"We didn't know she belonged to anyone!" David yelled, his face red with anger and his hand stained red with blood.

"I don't," I hissed, shaking my head. Logan turned to face me, his eyes hard and his brows raised. "I don't," I repeated, staring up at him, my own expression pleading. I needed him to understand, this would never work if he continued to think of me as his property.

With an eye roll, he nodded and turned back to them. "She doesn't belong to anyone, but that doesn't give you any right to take her."

I couldn't help but smile until the third bullet went flying into Jace's left leg, sending him falling to the floor in agony, his brows scrunched and his mouth in an 'O' shape, with no sound escaping.

Finally, he turned to Xavier who puffed out his chest and squared his shoulders, facing Logan with a glare on his face. I frowned, shifting from one foot to the other as I watched them face off. I winced at the anticipated sound of the final shot, barrelling straight into Xaviers wide stomach and causing him to cough and splutter while he stumbled backwards.

Rather than crumple to the floor and wait for death like the others, he snarled aloud and began to charge towards Logan, his movements slower as blood poured down his front. Before he could get within feet of Logan, another shot rang out, booming loudly while the bullet landed in Xaviers thigh, this time sending him to the ground with a loud thud. Another animalistic growl left his throat and he attempted to drag himself across the floor towards Logan but another bullet was soon lodged in his shoulder and his body sunk to the floor in defeat.

Logan smirked down at him and kicked his side for good measure before finally turning to his guards. "Get them tied up and take them back to the cells, I'm not done."

I rolled my eyes, expecting no different and watched as each man was dragged away towards the doors. "Oh wait," I called before they left the room. "The keys." I nodded towards the large group of terrified girls who had backed up so far they were squished against the back wall.

Logan nodded towards a guard who searched every mans pockets, pulling out rings of keys and tossing them to Logan. Once he had them all, he passed them to me, along with Josie's picture frame and I smiled.

I approached my friend slowly, hating the fear in her eyes as I got closer. "I promise you are safe," I told her in a soft voice, stepping close enough to press the picture frame into her palm. "I promise," I repeated, taking her wrist and unlocking the cuff, detaching her from Tasha.

She shook a little but nodded nonetheless, clutching her photo in her hand. "Will you help me?" I asked, handing her one of the sets of keys.

She nodded again and moved to the other end of the line while I came face to face with a scowling Tasha. "Who the hell are you?" She asked, looking past me to Logan. "You never mentioned you had an army."

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