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Over the next week or so, Logan's second in command, Sergio, spent a lot of time at the house. After Logan killed Jonesy, his father had threatened war with the mafia. Logan had told me that they wouldn't have stood a chance against him but he didn't want to risk putting our child in the middle of a war.

My pregnancy was kept a secret from everyone except Sergio. I didn't want my father to find out from anyone before I could tell him and Logan didn't want any enemies knowing while things were fragile. Jonesy's father was an important ally to the mafia and the threat of war had everyone on edge.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him once Sergio left, watching as he rubbed the back of his neck.

He nodded, grabbing my hips as soon as I was in reach. "Everything is fine, darling," he said. "How're you?"

I reached up and massaged the back of his neck, smirking when he groaned. He dipped down and pulled my lips between his. Every time he kissed me, my mind went blank, completely overwhelmed with his smell, his taste, his touch.

He pulled away. "I still have a lot to do today," he said with a grumble.

I nodded in understanding. "That's okay," I said, "I actually have plans myself."

He narrowed his eyes and I shifted a little uncomfortably, maintaining eye contact and trying to appear confident. "I'm going to go and visit my dad and my sister," I told him, folding my arms over my chest.

He frowned, raising an eyebrow. "You are?"

I nodded. "I need to tell them I'm pregnant. People are going to start noticing soon and I don't want them to hear from one of the soldiers." He was silent for a while, clearly thinking it over and I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't asking Logan."

He pulled me towards him, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I gasped when his teeth sunk into my flesh. "You better be safe," he grumbled against my skin and I smiled.

"I will be," I told him, "What's going to happen at my own house?"

He frowned. "Alright, I'll have someone drive you and call me when you want me to come and pick you up."

I nodded, reaching up to peck his lips. "Thank you. I'll be back later tonight."

He kissed me one last time before letting me go and when I got outside, there was already a car waiting for me. I slid onto the back seat and tapped my foot nervously as we travelled across town. It had been so long since I'd seen my family and even though I spoke to them often, I missed them so much.

But I couldn't deny that I was worried about their reaction. As far as they knew, Logan had taken me away and was holding me hostage. The last thing they would be expecting is for me to return, pregnant with his child. 

When the car pulled up outside, I jumped out, forcing myself to knock the front door before I chickened out and ran away. I waited with baited breath until my sister opened the door, freezing when she caught sight of me. "Mia?" she gasped.

"Ash!" I threw myself into her arms, the smile stretching across my face so widely that it hurt. Tears fell from my eyes when her arms came around me and I squeezed her as tightly as possible. I could feel her tears fall, dampening my shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. "Are you back for good?"

I hated the disappointment on her face when I shook my head. "No, just visiting," I told her, squeezing her and in mine.

"Oh," she muttered, "well come on, dad's out at the moment but he'll be so glad to see you when he gets back." She smiled, pulling me into the hallway. I was hit with a wave of nostalgia as I looked around my home. It felt almost like a memory. We moved into the living room, sinking onto the sofas and throwing blankets over us.

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