Chapter 1

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"Help me!"

"What is that?!"

A lot of screams and confusion were overwhelming the streets of New York as civilians are running away from a portal that was spewing up what looked like an army of Chitauri.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Run!" A guy who bumped into me yelled as he stumbled a bit before running away as I was walking towards the chaos.

I mean, I would understand the fear these people would feel since these are creatures that are unknown to them and surprised them. Believe me, I'm surprised too.

The Chitauri is the suckiest army in the universe that I'm surprised they aren't extinct yet. I was sure I wiped them off centuries ago, but I guess a few managed to wriggle themselves away from my sight back then.

As I was walking towards the ugly tower which had the name 'Stark' in it a few Chitauri soldiers landed near me and were about to attack.

I stopped in my tracks and glared at these puny soldiers, emitting as much bloodlust as possible. This quickly made them stop and tremble in their place one second then yell in fear the next as they were clamoring to get away.

I started to walk the streets again as the soldiers around me started parting like the red sea.

Once I got to the building it was abandoned as staff and civilians ran off. I walked into the elevator and closed it behind me as I pressed the highest floor.

"Apologies, but you do not have access to that floor," Jarvis said over the speakers of the elevator making me smile. "Override code phrase Alpha and Omega," I said and the once still elevator began moving up.

"Nice to see you again miss y/n," Jarvis said making me smile bitterly. "I wish I could say the same about you, Jarvis."

"Please do be careful, I believe there is an intruder on-" "I know, Jarvis." I cut him off as I was nearing my floor.

"Oh, and please remove the data regarding me being here please," I said as the elevator dinged and opened up. "Certainly."

I walk out to the elevator to see the entire floor vacant. "I guess I was too early." I shrugged and put my labrys on my back again as I made my way to Stark's booze.

"It would be a shame to put this all to waste if it got accidentally broken during the fight," I said to myself as I grab myself a bottle of what seemed like expensive scotch.

I laid down on one of Stark's very comfortable, probably expensive, and soon-to-be-destroyed sofa as I drank the contents of the bottle waiting for Loki.

As soon as I saw him enter the room I drank more from the bottle since I'm going to have to be a bit intoxicated considering what I'm doing would jeopardize my safety and I would be revealing myself.

"This is a whole new level, especially from the god of mischief," I commented as I could hear the screams, crashes, and explosions in the distance. "And who might you be?"

I guess it has been a little over a millennium since we last saw each other so it's understandable that he doesn't recognize me.

"Let's go with 'concerned citizen'," I said as I finished the whole bottle, placed it on the table, and walked back to the bar. "So why don't you drop the scepter so we can all go home."

"I don't think so." He smiled wickedly as he shifted the scepter to his other hand. But unlike him, I'm not amused. "I wasn't really asking."

I'm all for a fight but nonsensical killings and wars are the things that I detest the most. So all of this, everything he's done is just disappointing.

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