Chapter 12

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Y/n finally pulled away from Wanda as she heard Pietro cough. "I knew you'd come for us." Wanda said without a hint of doubt as she smiled at the sight of y/n in front of her.

Wanda couldn't understand what it was but whenever y/n's there it feels like everything's going to be alright. So it took all her concentration to not run towards the woman again and just hug her and never let go.

"Of course, I'd come for you guys." Y/n said as Pietro walked beside her sister. "Well, you were a little late again." He joked and y/n was about to laugh when she noticed how Pietro's brown hair was now white.

She wanted to ask what happened to him but she knew it wasn't the right time for that. "Would you believe me if I told you that there was traffic?" Y/n joked back to try to lighten the mood. "Not really."

"Y/n, did you find them yet?" Bucky asked he got lost for a while but took notice of his sister's figure in the distance.

"I did. Come say hi." Y/n said as she looked back and saw Bucky smiling at the sight of the twins. "Nice to see you again Wanda. I bet you didn't expect to see me again." Bucky said since he went on his mission before Wanda and Pietro left.

"I knew you were here too, Bucky. Your thoughts are very loud." Wanda said as y/n quickly noticed the red glow in Wanda's eyes. "You can read minds?" Y/n asked and the twins looked at each other with a proud smile.

"Well, I can do more than that." She said as she looked elsewhere. Y/n then followed looked over her shoulder and noticed that Tony was still standing where he was earlier.

Y/n quickly walked over to Stark with worry in her eyes. "Stark, what's wrong?" Y/n asked but he didn't answer and just looked straight ahead.

While y/n was trying to wake up Tony from his trance Bucky noticed how the twins, specifically Pietro, looked at y/n.

It was not a secret that the twins hates Stark with a burning passion. So as Pietro saw how y/n worried over Stark, he felt betrayed. While Wanda just looked at y/n in confusion as she could hear bits and pieces of y/n'a thoughts.

Stark... make sure... promise.

"You're on his side now?" Pietro asked as he stepped forward to y/n who quickly glanced at him. "What? No." Y/n quickly answered but she then looked carefully at the situation and realized her mistake.

"Look, Pietro. I will always be on your and Wanda's side." Y/n said calmly as she took a step away from Tony. "She's not lying Pietro." Bucky added.

More than anyone, Bucky knew how much y/n adored and protected the twins. He knew how much he cares for both of them as if they were part of her family. Some people might mistake her feelings to be dependent on her relationship with Wanda. But they would be wrong.

Because even before y/n and Wanda started dating the former already grew a bond with the twins that he knew wouldn't be so easily shattered.

"Is it true?" Pietro asked Wanda who quickly used her powers. Y/n at the sight of Wanda's glowing red eyes didn't hesitate and let her read her mind.

Wanda smiled as she glanced at her brother and nodded. "It's not a lie."

"Them I guess you wouldn't hesitate to fight him or maybe even kill him for us, right?" Pietro asked but this time y/n couldn't answer as quickly as she hoped. "I— won't."

"What a lie." Wanda said gaining everyone's attention as she looks coldly at y/n as her eyes continued to glow a deep red.

"It's not!" Y/n quickly answered and clenched her fists. She knew what she would risk for the twins, for Wanda. So she was willing to do anything. "I would fight him and even the avengers for both of you if I have to."

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