Chapter 2

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Before I went inside the house I made sure to inspect myself. I then noticed some Chitauri blood on my shoes which I quickly wiped away.

Once I knew I was decent I entered the house with a bouquet of purple lilac as a peace offering for being late. "Hey red, I'm back!" I yelled and instantly heard footsteps running towards me.

I quickly placed the bouquet down and quickly caught the woman as she jumped into my arms, making me smile. She then quickly kissed me on the lips as if taking my fatigue away from me.

"Welcome home." She said as she broke the kiss and leaned her forehead to mine as we both had our eyes closed and just relished the closeness from one another.

"You're late." Another voice said making us separate from each other. I smiled as I saw Pietro sitting down and making gagging noises making Wanda laugh.

"Well, says the one who's always late," I replied as Wanda made me sit on the couch beside her.

Pietro then faked being hurt and rolled her eyes as he denied it. "I am never late."

"Pietro, the only time you've been early in your whole life was when you guys were born." I said, knowing he's always used the 'i'm older than you' card on Wanda.

This made Wanda laugh as Pietro was shocked at my remark. I smiled at Wanda as she continues to laugh at her brother.

All the fighting is worth it knowing she would continue to be safe and be able to laugh like this.

"What do you have on your hand?" Pietro asked making me look down and saw the Chitauri's bluish blood on my hand making my face pale.

The twins don't know what I do for a living and who I really am so I internally panic as I quickly thought up an excuse.

"Oh! This is just paint." I said as a lame excuse knowing that their minds wouldn't go to alien blood. "You paint?" Wanda asked curiously and I panic even more since she catches on to my lies quickly.

Just before I could say anything the phone rang making Wanda stand up to take the call. I sighed in relief knowing I dodged something more dangerous than a bullet.

"Hello?" Wanda answered the call. She suddenly had this look on her face that I failed to identify as she turned her back to me. "Who is it?"

Wanda then quickly dropped the call before looking back at me with a smile. "Wrong number." She said then chuckled. "By the way, can you grab my jacket in my room?"

I happily smiled and got up from the sofa as I remembered that we were going out for a date. "Yeah, sure. I'll be back." I said then kissed her cheek before leaving.


Wanda's POV

"Was it them?" Pietro asked as Y/n finally left the room. I then smiled and nodded at him. "Yeah. They said they're going to pick us up tonight."

I didn't think we'd hear from them considering what nonsense they were saying at the protest we organized for the Novi Grad bombings that the US orchestrated.

They talked about changing the world for the better which made me and my brother curious. They also seemed to hate the Americans, especially Tony Stark which gave us the push to volunteer.

"You and y/n should probably pack then." He said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I uh- I haven't told her yet," I confessed making him look at me in disbelief.

"What is wrong with you?" He scolded me as I continue to sink back. "Why would you keep something like this a secret to her?" Pietro asked as he started getting angry.

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