Chapter 23

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As Ultron's army emerged to cause as much damage as possible in the city the rest of the team tried to fight them all off as I widen the use of my powers to help the civilians evacuate safely and quickly.

Wanda on the other hand decided to shield me from the legion as I had to concentrate since I need to concentrate harder than usual.

"Wanda, you don't have to worry about me. You can fight them off. I'll be fine." I reassured her since she's only been defending this whole time. "I can't." She said as she glanced at me and the people behind me.

"Fighting them off would be quicker than defending Wanda." I reasoned with her as she was slowly backing away because of the attacks. "I said I can't!" She yelled and looked at me in fear.

I then realized what I was too stubborn to acknowledge. Wanda isn't like me or the avengers. She's a normal person who happened to get powers. So it would be understandable that she couldn't attack because she was scared or doesn't know how to.

I looked at Wanda and finally saw how her knees were trembling and how her arms were stiff as she tried to use her powers to defend the people, to defend me.

"Stop Wanda. You don't have to push yourself." I said as I was about to walk past her to fight Ultron's army but she stopped me and held me back. "No. I'm going to protect you, y/n."

"I'm stronger than you Wanda. If someone should be protecting anyone. It should be me protecting you." I said as she stubbornly wouldn't let me pass her. "It doesn't mean that I can't protect you just because I'm weaker than you, y/n." She said as I stood still at what she said.

"I want to protect you because you're important to me. I want to protect you because I lov—"

Wanda couldn't finish her sentence as one of the attacks of the legion sent Wanda to the ground. "Wanda!" I yelled as I quickly gathered energy to my eyes and shot down the legion as the energy formed a laser.

I quickly went to Wanda's side to check if she was okay but I was stunned as she quickly held my cheeks and looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay?" She asked as instead of worrying about herself she was worrying after me.

Wanda always surprised me by doing things that no other being did to me in my long life. She worried about me as if I was someone who would break easily. She knows I'm strong and I'm capable of handling myself but that doesn't stop her to worry about me, sometimes even before herself.

She was also the first one who protected me despite knowing that she was weaker than me. She didn't care if she was weak or strong, she just wanted me to be safe.

All this time I've always been the one saving people. I always thought that saving and defending people is the duty of the strong. But I stand corrected as I'm in front of this woman who was willing to protect me despite her fear just because she cares for me.

Saying that my heart swelled for her would be an understatement. Since I would go to great lengths for this woman.

"Wanda, I lo—"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence as the ground began to shake and visible cracks seemed to emerge around the city. I quickly hold on to Wanda's hand as a crack went between us. "What's happening?" Wanda asked as she looked around. "I don't know."

I thought that the earthquake would subside but it only grew stronger by the second and soon the ground split up as Wanda and I both stood on opposite sides.

I was about to jump towards the side where Wanda was but she suddenly let go of my hand which caught my attention. "Wanda?" I asked as she gave me a bittersweet smile. "Go with the civilians y/n." Wanda said as she gave me one last look before turning around and running towards the civilians left on her side.

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