Chapter 30

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"You could learn how to knock, you know?" Fury said as he looked back and saw Bucky sitting on the couch in his office. "Knocking's not really my thing." Bucky said as he looked around the office.

"So Barnes, what's your report on your sister?" Fury asked as he sat on his seat and faced Bucky. "Well, there's good news and bad news."

Fury sighed as he's had enough of bad news because of the avengers setting y/n loose. "I could use some good news. Let's hear it." Fury said as he leaned back on his chair.

"She finally recognizes and remembers me." Bucky informed him and Fury was about to say something when he saw Bucky wasn't exactly with that news. "That's good, right? That would make her less violent then." Fury said but Bucky stayed silent.

"Your silence makes it sound like it's not really good news Barnes." Fury said which made Bucky glance at him and sighed. "No, it is good news. It's just that she only remembers me. She doesn't remember anyone else." Bucky said as he looked down and wonder why y/n doesn't remember Steve.

"Is that the bad news? If it is then let's just give her more time." Fury said and Bucky looked back at him with an even worried face. "The time is the bad news."

"What do you mean?"

"She shouldn't need this long to fully recover her memories Fury. It usually only takes her a few days to recover all her memories after dying." Bucky said as he showed his panic and worry at Fury. "So she's taking too long, huh? Well, it's already been a month so that just makes this even more unnatural." Fury said as Bucky nodded in agreement.

"Alright, so what's your plan?" Fury asked since Bucky knows y/n most so if anyone could think of a way to help her then it would probably be him. "I'm planning on looking for two people that owe y/n a favor."

"I'm guessing these 2 people you're talking about can help y/n?" Fury asked and Bucky nodded unsurely since it was y/n who told him about them and what they could do. But seeing as he has no other choice he planned to find them even if it would take him years.

Meanwhile, back in y/n's room, Natasha who was listening in on y/n and Wanda's conversation in the next room couldn't help but storm out as she heard y/n call Wanda intriguing.

It vexed Natasha to know that Wanda still had an effect on y/n even when y/n has no memory of her. It vexed her because she knew she could do a better job as y/n's partner instead of Wanda.

So she stormed out of the room and made her way to Fury's office where she knew Bucky was going to be. As soon as she entered Fury's office the two men shifted their attention to her. "Romanoff, what are you—"

Fury wasn't able to finish his question when Natasha approached Bucky. "Why did you leave her with Wanda?" She asked as she stood in front of him. Bucky looked up at her, seemingly unfazed by her sudden visit and question.

Bucky then slowly stood up and this time looked down at her. "I'm curious— are agents allowed to just barge in your office?" Bucky asked Fury as he strained his neck to glance at Fury who was behind Natasha.

"They're not." Fury said loud enough which made Natasha realize her mistake as she quickly backed away from Bucky who looked smugly at her. "Romanoff, what is this about?" Fury asked even though he had an idea what it was about.

"I— uh. I apologize, sir. I'll come back at a different time." Natasha said as she stood at attention while facing Fury. Before she left she glanced back at Bucky who was smirking and shooing her away which made her angrier.

Natasha stormed out of the office knowing that Bucky was trying to get in her head, which he was. It was no secret to Bucky that Natasha harbored feelings for his sister. And even though his relationship with Wanda and Pietro is still rough it didn't mean that he wanted Natasha for y/n now. So seeing as how he can both annoy and irritate Natasha and Wanda, he took that chance.

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