Chapter 35

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"Pietro, what are you doing here?" Y/n asked as everyone shifted their attention towards him. "Tell me I heard wrong, y/n." Pietro demanded as he put his hand out to stop y/n from getting closer to him.

Y/n could only look down in silence as Pietro shook his head and sped out of the room. "Pietro, wait—"

Y/n was about to follow up on Pietro when she was blocked by Natasha who had a serious look on her face. "You're not leaving until you explain yourself." Natasha demanded but before y/n could even argue Fury walked into the room.

"I see you decided to tell them one of your many secrets." Fury said teasingly as everyone was beginning to get agitated by y/n's confession. "Did you know about this?" Steve asked

"Of course I knew. I know almost everything." Fury replied, unfazed by Steve's piercing stares. "And you decided to do nothing with that information?" Tony asked as he stood beside Steve and faced Fury.

"I'm not a monster, Stark. Of course I did something. I offered her help but she refused me every time." He confessed which made everyone look at y/n in bewilderment, including Bucky.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Pietro was back and he brought Wanda along with him. "Look y/n. I understand how you're feeling. I've tried to kill myself multiple times in the past too—"

"No you don't, Bruce." Y/n finally spoke up as she felt overwhelmed by the stares and the silent judgment from everyone.

"You don't know how many years I've been forced to live. You don't know how many wars and deaths I've been forced to witness.." Y/n continued as everyone stayed silent and as Wanda was finally realizing what was happening.

"—how many people I killed." Y/n said the last part silently as she clenched her fist trying not to remember the horrible memories that kept haunting her.

"So, no." Y/n continued as she looked back up at everyone. "I'm not getting help, no matter what you guys say." Y/n said in determination.

"What about me?"

Y/n froze as she heard an all too familiar voice behind her. She looked back slowly to see Pietro behind Wanda who looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"What about me when you go into the light?" Wanda asked angrily as she tried her hardest not to cry in front of everyone. "Wanda—"

"No! I get it." Wanda quickly responded as she cut off y/n. "Okay? I get it! You'll be okay. You'll be fine. But what about me?" Wanda asked as she was starting to break down.

"So don't do it for yourself. Do it for me, please?!"

Right at this moment, Wanda wasn't afraid of y/n. To begin with, she was never afraid of her. What Wanda was afraid of was when she saw y/n hesitate to break free from Vision. As if she was ready to die right there and then.

Wanda wasn't afraid that y/n was going to hurt her. Wanda was afraid of the look y/n had at that time. Because at that time y/n looked like she didn't care if she lived or died. And with everything that Wanda heard, she only grew certain of her fear.

"Please y/n, please do this for me. Because if you die—" Wanda took deep breaths as she couldn't even finish her sentence while Pietro tried to console her and the others look at Wanda and couldn't help but be swayed by her emotions.

"You have to do this for me. Or I'll never be able to forgive you." Wanda threatened as y/n couldn't help but feel pained as she saw Wanda's state in front of her. A feeling that Vision was clearly feeling as he gazed at both of them.

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