Chapter 41

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In a city a few miles from the bridge, y/n, and Nat sat outside of a bar as Nat cautiously daps y/n's wounds with disinfectant which caused y/n to flinch and wince in pain.

"Stay still." Natasha said sternly as y/n could only tighten her fist to ease the pain.

Seeing y/n struggle for the first time because of a wound, Nat slowly blows on the wound to try to ease the pain.

"Do you by chance, happen to have the vials with you?" Y/n asked since it's been plaguing her mind and has been making her anxious all this time.

"They're over there." Natasha replied as she subtly turned her head towards the bag beside her. Y/n then quickly whipped her head in that direction and sigh in relief as she saw the vials were safe.

Natasha who saw this, narrowed her eyes suspiciously at y/n who without a doubt was hiding something from her.

As soon as y/n looked back at Natasha, the redhead opened the butterfly strips for y/n's wound and carefully apply them. "Why do you look nervous?" Natasha asked as she glanced at y/n who already had an answer prepared. "It must be because this happened for the first time." Y/n replied as she looks over to her wounds that weren't healing.

Natasha then continued to close y/n's wounds, knowing that she was hiding something from her. "Do you know why you're not healing? Or is that a secret too?" Natasha asked sarcastically as y/n's face dropped.

Y/n stared at Natasha in contemplation of telling her the truth. But seeing as Nat could already have figured a few things out she knew that the redhead was bound to know even if she didn't tell her. "How much do you know?"

"I know that those vials are important." Natasha replied as she finished applying the butterfly strips and grab a clean gauze and some tape. "So much that they were willing to ambush us on that bridge." Natasha continued as she quickly and neatly covered the whole wound with gauze, making y/n look back at her work

Natasha then stood up and grab her beer as she made her way back to her seat across y/n. "Now that I've done you a favor—" Natasha paused as she sat down on her seat and stared at the vials beside her. "Why don't you do me a favor and tell me what those are." She continued.

Y/n sighed as she slowly covered her wound with her jacket. "Those vials are a top secret SHIELD sample called GBS1." Y/n answered reluctantly which made Nat turn her head to look at her. "What is that exactly?" Nat asked again which made y/n take a deep breath as she scoped out their surroundings, making sure that no one was listening in.

"It's the main ingredient in making the super-soldier serum." Y/n revealed which made Nat's eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "Why do you have that?"

Natasha was already aware of the super-soldier serum, but she always thought the recipe and the serum were gone.

"Because I own it." Y/n answered as Natasha looks at her in disbelief. "How can you own something like that?" Natasha asked as y/n looked away and answered.

"Because it's my blood."


"We aren't finished talking about this y/n." Natasha exclaimed as they entered the kitchen in the compound.

Y/n who felt exhausted by everything that happened could only sigh as she opened the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. "Look, we just got back. I'd appreciate it if we sleep for about half a day." Y/n suggested as she quickly finished the bottle of water.

"Don't change the subject y/n." Natasha complained as y/n rolled her eyes and placed the bottle of water on the counter. "Just give it a rest, Nat." Y/n replied as she walked past Natasha who looked at her in disbelief.

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