Chapter 24

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"What's the drill?" Natasha asked as the rest of the team slowly arrived at the church. "This is the drill." Tony pointed at the device at the center as everyone shifted their attention to it.

"If Ultron gets a hand to the core, we lose." Tony instructed everyone as Hulk finally arrive while crushing two of Ultron's legionnaires.

Behind Hulk, Ultron hovered in the sky as he scanned the area and noticed something. "Looks like you didn't bring y/n with you." Ultron said as all of them readied for a fight. "Shame." He added as his army started swarming behind him.

"Nevertheless, you'll all die either way." Ultron said as he motioned his arm towards them and his army started attacking the avengers and tried to reach for the drill in the middle.

Even though, the rest of them only met a few hours ago everyone seemed to be able to coordinate with one another. Since they were moving so smoothly that anyone would think they'd been fighting together their whole lives.

As Ultron realized how he underestimated them he flew towards the fight to finish them off by himself. But he was stopped by Vision who kept him at bay.

Since Ultron is more adept when it comes to fighting he was able to overpower Vision a little as the latter was slammed to the wall. Of course, that didn't last long since Vision had something that Ultron didn't, the mind stone.

Vision quickly fired an energy beam from the mind stone, sending Ultron flying. As Thor and Tony saw what happened, they seized the moment and attack Ultron together. With Thor sending lightning and with Tony firing his own energy beams, Ultron was left defending himself as he knelt on the ground. With the amount of energy Ultron's face started to melt and that was only the time that the three of them stopped attacking.

Ultron staggered to get up as he looked at them, still prideful. "Is that the best you can do?" He asked when he could barely stand up straight. Before the rest of them could reply Hulk punched him so hard that he was sent flying and his army scattered at the sight of Hulk roaring at them.

"They're trying to leave the city." Thor said as he saw the robots flying away. "We can't let them. Not even one." Tony said as he knew that if even one legionnaire is still up and running then Ultron can just use that body and start all over again.

"Rhodey!" Tony called as Vision flew past Tony and followed the fleeing robots. Vision quickly destroyed the legionnaires with either his bare hands or his energy beam which left Rhodey looking confused.

"We have to move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin." Steve said as he said in his earpiece while looking at Nat, Clint, and Wanda. "You guys get to the boat and I'll sweep for stragglers. I'll be right behind you. " He ordered as he looked at the few robots still roaming the city.

"What about the core?" Clint asked and Wanda stepped forward. "I'll protect it." She said as Steve could see the fear in her eyes.

Wanda met Steve's gaze as she steeled her resolve. "It's my job." Wanda said as Steve debated on letting her protect the core alone considering how y/n would react if she knew.

"Alright. But get your brother to get you to the boats once everything is settled." Steve said and Wanda nodded as Clint and Natasha went together and Steve went in another direction, leaving Wanda alone.

As soon as everyone left Pietro quickly arrived as he heard her sister volunteering to stay. "Get the people on the boat." Wanda said as Pietro looked at his sister. "I'm not going to leave you." Pietro said as a robot tried to get to the core while Wanda was preoccupied.

"I can handle this."

Wanda who quickly noticed this, pulled the robot apart with her powers as it wasn't even able to get closer to the core. Pietro shrugged as he knew Wanda could very well handle herself as she was now beginning to fully utilize her powers.

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