Chapter 34

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As y/n fixed Wanda's hair, Pietro and Natasha were the first ones to come inside the room after hearing a commotion and seeing Wanda crying as y/n tried to console her.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry Wanda." Y/n said in a fit of panic as Wanda still leans on y/n's chest with tears staining her face.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Y/n continued as she gently kissed Wanda's temple and opened her arms for a hug to not force Wanda into any physical interaction.

But y/n was shocked as Wanda hugged her without a second doubt or fear. "I love you. I'm sorry." Y/n said as she tried not to cry herself as she could hear Wanda's sniffles and wondered how Wanda could stomach hugging her right now.

"What's going on here?" Pietro interrupted which made the two of them back away from each other and look over to Pietro and Natasha who looked at Wanda worriedly.

"Wanda, are you alright?" Natasha asked as she walked toward Wanda and gently fixed her hair more. Wanda in turn stopped crying and wiped the tears on her cheek. "I'm fine."

With all the commotion Vision suddenly phased through the wall behind Wanda and y/n. But before Vision could even ask what happened Pietro beat him to it.

"If you're fine then why do you have a hand mark on your neck?" Pietro asked as he stepped towards y/n ready to fight.

Nat then glanced at Wanda's neck only to frown when she saw that Pietro was right. Suddenly y/n felt someone creeping up behind her, but when she turned she was met with a blow to her chest which made her crash towards a wall.

Wanda's eyes widened as she saw y/n on the ground spitting up blood. "Vision stop!" Wanda yelled but Vision didn't seem to hear her as he slowly walked towards y/n.

"It's fine Wanda. I'm fine." Y/n reassured Wanda as Pietro and Natasha quickly went in front of Wanda in case Vision suddenly attacks her.

"You are a danger to her." Vision calmly said as he ignored Wanda, Pietro, and Natasha and walked closer to Y/n.

Before Vision could even reach down towards her Bucky came out of nowhere and punched Vision with his metal arm which made him crash through the adjacent wall.

Instead of continuing the fight with Vision, Bucky quickly went towards his sister and sighed in relief as he saw her regenerating. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked, making sure.

"I'm fine. He barely—"

Y/n couldn't finish her sentence as she saw Vision stand up from the rubble and his stone starting to glow as he glared at Bucky.

"Bucky watch out!" Y/n warned as she tried to pull him down but she wasn't fast enough and Bucky was sent flying by the blaster from Vision.

"Bucky!" Natasha yelled as she ran towards Bucky who was shaking because of the electric shock he got from the blaster that hit his arm and knocked him unconscious

"You're gonna regret that." Y/n said through gritted teeth as she stood up and tilted her head to the side which made a popping sound.

Y/n quickly picked up a piece of metal and swung it towards Vision, only for it to phase through him. But y/n wasn't done. She quickly attacked him again but because Vision was made of Vibranium the metal easily broke in contact.

In frustration, y/n threw the metal away and began to punch Vision's face. Vision's confidence suddenly plummeted as y/n's punches created a crack on his face.

So when y/n tried to kick Vision away to gain some distance he instead phased through her kicked and swiftly made his way behind her and began to choke her.

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