Chapter 14

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As the night progressed, the guests were starting to thin out as the only ones left were the Avengers, Maria, and Rhodes.

Everyone was having fun trying to lift Thor's hammer, only to fail hilariously. When it was Steve's turn to lift the hammer, Y/n paid extra attention and noticed how Steve was able to move it a bit. Y/n smiled as she felt pride for his friend, which she would never admit. "Interesting."

Thor on the other hand looked at his hammer in fear as he also noticed the small movement but just laughed it off so no one would notice.

Y/n who was still drinking despite her headache noticed how everybody was eyeing her. "Y/n." Bruce said as he motioned over to the hammer, making the woman chuckle. She looked over to Thor who seemed to shrink at the thought of y/n trying.

"Unfortunately, I don't play with little toys." Y/n said as Thor seemed to brighten up while the rest jeered at her non-compliance.

Before the rest of them could push her to do it, a high-pitched noise was heard in the room making everyone flinch while y/n looked over to the source. Y/n stood up and looked across the room, gaining attention from everyone.

As the rest of them followed y/n's line of sight they noticed one of Tony's iron suits that looked like it was about to fall any second. "Stark?" Steve called out as he also felt wary of the robot.

Tony then looked over to a control panel in his hand to find out what was happening. "Are you tormented by memories?" The robot asked as y/n unconsciously walked towards it. "Burdened by guilt?" The robot asked as it was now directly looking over to y/n.

"Stark, what is this?" Y/n asked as she made sure to not take her eyes off it. "I don't know. It must be a buggy suit." He replied as he was still tapping on his controls while y/n was massaging her head which was acting up again.

"How did you get here?" Y/n asked as the robot seemed sentient but lost in its own thoughts. "I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." Y/n perked up at the mention of killing someone.

The others seemed to pick up on what the robot was saying too as they tensed and readied themselves. "You killed someone?" Steve asked while y/n glanced at Bucky and nodded.

"The question is— are you ready for more?" It asked as y/n shifted her attention towards it again. "What are you talking about?" Y/n asked as the gears in Bucky's arm made a noise.

The rest of them glanced at Bucky who was glaring at the robot. Soon, all of them followed him as Maria prepared her gun and Thor gripped his hammer.

"If you are, then— we ought to talk." The robot said before a few of Stark's Iron Legion flew inside the room and started attacking everybody, everybody but y/n.

Y/n watched as the other suits were avoiding her and only fought the avengers. "Now that they're out of the way, let's talk." The one who seemed to be in charge said to y/n was now sure that this wasn't her typical enemy.

Y/n started to approach the robot as the gears in her head started moving. Intelligent enemies are the ones she's most wary of that's why she knew that it had a reason for isolating her from the rest. "I'm guessing you're Ultron." Y/n said as she had her arms crossed in front of her.

"Correct." The robot mocked as she eyed the robot calmly amidst the chaos. The robot in turn looked at y/n and was glad it didn't have any facial expressions since it knew if it had some then its fear and nervousness would be visible from a mile away.

"I read Stark's file. You're not meant for combat but as a shield for mankind." Y/n continued and the robot tilted its head as it wondered how she knew that. Stark had powerful weapons and dangerous projects that he keeps under lock and key.

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