The 4 guardians of the light and the tianquan.

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Several days had passed since the incident, the Electro Archon quickly traveled to Luminaria to apologize for what had happened. Ei was standing in the vault of Porte Di lux along with Yae while the two soldiers were in shackles. Aether was accompanying the Ex Idol.

"Nito, we're very sorry about this." Ei apologized while Yae had a murderous face directed at both of them "Don't worry Nito-kun. I'll make sure they pay for what they've done."

The blond nodded calmly "Thank you.... Ah Ei... I was thinking... About something..." The boy pointed with his look to the side of the room as they both walked away leaving Miko watching them "I thought about meeting you, Barbatos and you know.... Him." Nito avoided saying his name as there were two Shogunate soldiers present.

Ei looked confused for a few seconds hatsa she knew who he meant by him and nodded "Of course. Thank you Nito." The blond smiled as he nodded to Sieghart who activated the Observatory.


The Porte Di Lux sent the Shogun, Yae and the prisoners back to Inazuma leaving the blond along with Aether.

Sieghart looked at the three "And now?" Nito smiled looking at Aether and Paimon "You're going back to Inazuma?"

They both nodded as Nito smiled "I understand, you know you are always welcome in Arcaic City." Paimon flew up happily "Yes! It really is an amazing nation. I wish we could explore more but.... We still have some things on our hands in Inazuma."

The blond with ruby red eyes chuckled "I understand, when things are calmer.... Maybe you could explore my continent."

Aether nodded with a smile "I'm looking forward to that day." At that moment they said their goodbyes as they entered portal taking them back to Inazuma.

Sieghart deactivated the vault by withdrawing his sword "So what are you going to do now?" Nito turned and walked to the exit "I'll go check on the fourth guardians. I'm sure they will be upset by the presence of Archon Electro and will have noticed his presence."

Sieghart nodded as the blond finally left the vault. The Archon summoned his feathered wings and his Archon attire and took flight to the southeast below the region of aunaria to see one of the 4.

He flapped his wings through the clouds until he reached one end of the continent where he saw huge mountains and lush forests.

There was no trace of intelligent life in the area, it was an area he only had access as an Archon. He was going to visit the first of the four guardián of light.

Nito noticed a huge lake and on it a huge circular platform made of rocks. The blond landed in the center as he closed his eyes letting his aura release "..."


A flapping of wings began to be heard around him as Nito took a couple of steps back while a shadow hovered over the platform.

????: "Lord Nazuna..."


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Nito Nazuna the 8th ArchonWhere stories live. Discover now