Dreams of the ocean

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Hiiro began to open his eyes as he noticed the room "This is..." He sat up noticing Aira in the chair asleep next to him clutching his hand "Aira..."

The blond groaned before opening his eyes and looking at the boy "Hiiro.... Hiiro!" The Alkaloid idol quickly hugged him between sobs "Thank goodness.... Thank goodness..." Tears flowed down his cheeks as Hiiro was perplexed before smiling and returning the hug. "I'm sorry to worry you, Aira."

At that moment the door turned as he saw Crazy:B's idol "Hiiro!" Niki quickly ran over and hugged him along with Aira "Thank goodness..." Hiiro separated from both of them "Wait, the bomb..."

Aira nodded "You saved Savanaclaw, Hiiro." Niki nodded though there was a lot of scrambling as well.


Rukio looked furiously at the captured men in front of him, Ritsu looked serious "He said something about those who helped out the bomb. They shall be  executed to the death penalty and those who have supported in this secret terrorist act.  I will not tolerate such a thing in Achlyss."

All the guards nodded as they dragged them away ignoring their pleas of desperation as Rukio looked at a Savanaclaw Knight "Seek from our information to those who supported the terrorise bomb attempt to blow Savanaclaw."

The hyena knight nodded leaving the room as Nito looked on grimly "The Selene and my escorts will assist you.... They will pay for hurting Hiiro..."


Hiiro process what Niki said before nodding "How long?" Aira looked serious "Hiiro.... You were asleep for 2 weeks, the corruption drained most of your energy."

Niki nodded "When you were falling from the sky Nito managed to save you in time, while Ritsu found them in the hole you made. But what relieves us most is that Corruption, we thought Durin would have managed to break the seal."

The red haired boy denied "He didn't, I couldn't allow it and neither could he allow the people of Savanaclaw to be slaughtered." At that moment they heard a pair of footsteps as they saw at the entrance Mayoi and Tatsumi who ran to embrace him.

Tatsumi was relieved "Thank heavens you're okay..."  Mayoi smiled "We feared the worst when we saw that light in the sky." Everyone broke off to give Hiiro a break "I'm sorry."

"Your brother would be so proud, Hiiro-chin." They all looked back at the entrance as the Lux Archon walked towards them "How are you feeling?"

Hiiro chuckled "I feel well recovered." He then noticed the Vision on the table, it had a bright red with the Pyro emblem on it. "I could feel it... I felt it, Nii-san gave me the strength to control Durin's powers..." Hearing that Niki smiled.

"I'm sure he will be very proud of you Hiiro." Everyone once turned their attention back to the entrance where HiMERU approached with a smile "I'm happy to see what you've recovered from."

The red haired boy smiled while Nito looked serious "Ritsu has requested that we return immediately to Luminaris, for safety for everyone and especially for Hiiro."


The leader of Alkaloid blushed as everyone burst out laughing. Nito looked across his arms "I'll ask him to bring something to eat." Niki stood up "No need, I want to prepare Hiiro's food."

"Shi, shi, shi. Then as the leader of Savanaclaw I allow you." Rukio approached with a smile "You really gave us all a scare Hiiro."

Niki went to the kitchen escorted by one of the guards before returning half an hour later with a tray consisting of a breakfast of bacon, waffles, orange juice and a bowl of fresh cut fruit.

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