9; his favourite thing about you

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How selfless and kind you are~

Steve absolutely adores you for this. The fact the you always hold the door for everyone or say a polite good morning is one of the sweetest things he's ever seen! You always make sure Steve is happy and healthy, complimenting him and telling him you love him.

How huggable you are~

Thor loves that you re always up for a hug or a cuddle! He will take any chance he can to pull you into his chest or hold you in his arms.

How determined you are~

Clint is in total awe of how hardworking and determined you are. He loves that you never give up no matter how many times you fail or mess up! He also loves that you are a bit stubborn.

How caring you are~

Tony is so whipped on the fact that you are probably the most caring person! He loves that you make sure he is okay and that your family is okay, he just can't help but love it!

How stubborn you are~

Natasha loves that you just can't stop after you lost! She loves that when she dose some training with you, you wouldn't stop even if she pins you! She loves that if you lose you'll just say something like "I let you win... again" or "hang on I wasn't ready". she finds it adorable

How gentle you are~

Bruce loves that you are as gentle as butterfly. weather it's handing a tool or kissing his cheek, it is always so fragile! He wonders how the fragile and gentle girl ended up with the green rage monster.

How innocent you are~

Loki loves everything innocent about you! The way you look up at him with your big beautiful eyes, your sweet little giggle, you confused face when he specks of hate and war. He loves it!

How classy you are~

Bucky loves that no matter what the scene is, you always handle it with grace! Weather someone's offending you  or simply being rude, your graceful and classy! He's in love with that.

Finally a update!

Anyway I added Bucky because it was requested, thank you to her❤️❤️


Love you all-xoxo

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