she's mine pt 1 - avengers

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I'm so so excited to do this request, I hope you enjoy❤️


Story line-
You are a new addition to the Avengers and all the boys have a big crush on you, no girlfriends are apart of this.  
(Steve, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Pietro, Clint, Natasha & Wanda included)

The sun's bright rays shined into your new room at Avenger's Tower. You looked to your right and saw that it was 8:46am, the smell of bacon invaded your room. Breakfast? You slid out of bed, threw on your red poka-doted slippers and checked your reflection. You were in big, baggy grey sweatpants and a red tank top. As you stepped closer to the door, you could heard Tony and Steve fighting! "I'm making breakfast for her Stark, just back off" Steve said trying to be intimidating, "Get lost Rogars, I'm making her breakfast!" Tony shot back! You were prepared to listen to their confusing conversation, but you were interrupted by a knock at your door. You pulled the door open to see Thor standing their in his pajamas.(that would be weird to see him without his armer) "Good morning lady y/n, did you enjoy your sleep?" Thor asked while he grabbed your hand and placed a light kiss on the top. You blushed and giggle a bit, "yes, I did have a good sleep Thor, and yourself?". Thor gave you a sweet smiled, opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Pietro standing in between the two of you! "Good morning sunshine!" Pietro said, sneaking a kiss on your cheek! Both your and Thor's eyes went wide. You blushed and stuttered out a "Good Morning". Pietro grabbed your hand, and pulled you to the kitchen, Thor not far behind you with a dirty look on his face for Pietro. When you stepped into the kitchen you saw Tony and Steve shoving each other, Clint throwing darts, Wanda reading a some book, and Bruce speaking to Natasha. "Y/N, baby your up!" Tony shouted, grabbing everyone's attention! "Baby?" You questioned yourself. "Good morning everyone" you called out, as you took a seat on long red couch. Not long after, Wanda took a seat next to you. " how was your first night at the tower?" She asked with a warm smile, you returned a smile and answered "it was different but still good, it was nice to know that you guys were around too". Wanda smiled again, "you know if-" "morning beautiful" Clint said kissing your temple(his wife and kids don't exist, sorry), interrupting Wanda. "Morning Clint" you responded with a lazy smile, Wanda moved closer to you. "As I was saying, I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go and to the carnival..." "WITH ME, ME ME ME!" Tony shouted jumping right in front...

Then all hell broke lose!!

Comment what you want to happen, or comment what you think will happen!!

Part 2 will be up soon:)

Thank you for reading❤️ -xoxo

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