she's mine pt 2 - avengers

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Then all hell broke lose...

Every single one of them started yelling at the our about you! The same words would be shouted every other sentence, "Mine" "Y/n" and "Back off". All you could do was stand there in the middle of it all like a deer in headlights, this never happened before. I mean you knew they had crushes on you but you never thought it was this serious! There was always flirting and pickup lines but never fighting. The shouts continued for another few minutes until you finally had enough. You quickly grabbed the closest thing that made loud noise and stood on a chair, to your luck you grabbed a whistle! You blew into it as loud as you could, causing a pricing sound to echo through the tower! Finally everyone when quite, allowing you to shout over them, "GUYS ENOUGH!". You paused for a slight second to see everyone frozen looking up at you. "What are you all fight about?" You asked, not that you didn't know but you wanted more answers. "Y/n, baby tell these guys that you like me!" Tony said with a wink, Steve rolling his eyes. "You don't have to listen to home darling, don't do anything your uncomfortable with" Steve said in a sweet tone, making you want to smile. "Y/n you like me right?" Pietro asked with his breath taking accent. "Don't get your hopes up brother, she likes me" Wanda said stepping in front of her brother, "whoo whoo whoo, y/n's mine" Nat said slightly shoving Clint. Then everyone started yelling again!! Can these guys stop for two minutes you asked yourself? You blew the whistle again, "OKAY OKAY WAIT A SECOND!! Just wondering what makes you guys think I like any of you as a more then friends thing?". This is going to be interesting. "Well remember when me and you were training, you kissed me!" Clint shouted in a cocky tone, making all the ours glare at him. "Umm... Clint I-I didn't k-kiss you, remember we were wrestling and you fell then I fell on top of you and our lips accidentally touch. I didn't kiss you Clint" you said in a clam tone, you felt really bad telling him that. Everyone was laughing at the poor guy. Then Thor spoke up, "do you remember lady y/n when me and you went shopping together and you held my hand?". Oh brother! "No Thor, I was trying to grab the keys from your pocket and you ended grabbing my hand" ... "Y/n, do you remember when me and you were watching a movie and you cuddled with me?" Oh no no no no no... "Nat, I was trying to get the remote then you started to cuddle with me". Mats face dropped as did the others. "Y/n what about that time you gave me flowers?" Please tell me she's not thinking about that time.. Oh goodness "I don't know how to tell you this but Wanda, i didn't get them for anyone. I just bought them home put them in a vase and left them there"

This went on for every single one of them, it was crazy how many stories each of them had but at least it was over and you didn't have to break anymore hearts, well you thought...

"Y/n? Do you like any of us?"


Well what is your answer? You decide and have fun with it:))



I hope to do a Christmas imagine for you guys but I don't know when it will be up so I case it's not tomorrow, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and spend time with the people you love❤️ -xoxo

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