12; he finds out you have superpowers pt 1

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You felt so guilty for not telling Steve but it scared the living hell out of you that he'll leave you or hate you! I mean you had a insanely strong and rare power, it wouldn't surprise you if he ran scared. "Y/n? Y/n?
Y/N?" Steve spoke, waving his hand in front of your face pulling you out of your trance. "oh, hi Steve! Sorry I was just thinking" you say as causally as possible, "what were you thinking about?" Steve asked rubbing your cheek with his thumb as his palm rested under your chin. "Um, just about, you know just.." oh god! "What's wrong?" Steve asked, worry in his eyes! You bit your lip looking at the floor, "steve... I have to tell you something"

"How are you always so warm?" Natasha asked as she snuggled closer into you. "Um, body heat?" You answer but it came out as more of a question, Natasha giggled at you finding it quite amusing! "Your so cute babe! But seriously how?" She asked again trying to pull it out of you! The guilt was terrible, keeping a secret from Nat and let's just say your not a good lier at all! The truth is that you have superpowers, the biggest secret of your life and you never told Nat. "Umm, I-I well it's just...um y-you se-e I umm" Natasha sat up, gave you a suspicious eye, and stared you down. "Y/n... tell me the truth. What are you hiding?" Oh God...

"Come on beautiful! Everyone is waiting for us" Bucky called outside your hotel bedroom door. You and Bucky were staying at a gorgeous 5 star hotel, because today was your best friend's wedding and it was down on the main floor. "Okay, okay Bucky I'm coming" you giggled and turned the handle to open the door. Once you do you see Bucky leaning on the door frame, looking as handsome as ever in his black tux<3 his smile had you melt, "you look insanely gorgeous love" Bucky said, gently grabbing your hand and kissing it lightly! "You look very handsome yourself" you complimented back, "let's go on down"

*during the party*
(this part was inspired by frozen, when Anna yells at Elsa and accidentally made her expose her powers to the whole party)

"WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LIKE THIS!" your best friend called to you as you walked away from her, trying your hardest to stay relaxed. "Just back off
y/bf/n(your best friends name)" you slowly said back. The room was silent, all you could hear was your heels clicking on the floor as you headed toward the door. "NO, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT?! YOUR SO SECRETIVE WHEN I TELL YOU EVERYTHING! WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!" That's it! ....You lost it!

"You've been hiding your secret very well y/n, even from me" Nick Fury called, interrupting yourself and the Avengers conversation. "What do you speck of Mr.Fury?" Thor said quite annoyed already! Nick chuckle, "your girlfriend has been keeping a secret, a very big secret from me, from the Avengers, from you Thor" oh god please no, you pleaded in your head! Thor looked down at you, grabbed your hand and kissed it gently. "You want to tell them,
Mrs.y/l/n?" Thor stared into your eyes...
"I don't have a choice"

"Mm, what a beautiful day" you mumble to yourself, staring at your view on the balcony. "It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you" the voice spoke behind you, BRUCE! In less then a second you sprung into Bruce's open arms! "I didn't know you were coming home early!" You said in his shoulder, Bruce lightly chuckled. "Only for my girl". you pulled your head back to look him in the eyes, "oh by the way, that beautiful thing you said before was sooooo cheesy" Bruce chuckled again, then placed a kiss to your forehead. Your turned back to admire the view some more, Bruce did the same. His strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind as he whispered sweetly "it's so nice to have someone I can tell everything to, not having to hide. Having no secrets"! No secrets wasn't really the word for it..."Bruce?" "Yes sweetheart" "i have to tell you something"

You slowly walked down the hallway towards Clint's room, playing with your figures nervously. Secrets didn't belong in a relationship like yours and Clint's, it didn't and you were ready to be completely honest with Clint! He deserves the truth, what a great guy he is. "Clint?" You spoke, your voice small. Clint looked up from his laptop, got up and walked over to you, the biggest smile on his face! "Yes baby" he said, bending a bit to kiss your cheek. The guilt built up even more, "um, well have you ever had a secret? One that could mess up everything in your whole life, and take what matters the most to you?" You said every word looking down at your feet. Clint held both your hands in his, "what's wrong y/n?"

"YOU NEVER TOLD HIM?!" Your best friend shouted at you! "No I never told him! It may sound stupid but I don't know how to say it!" You argue back. You just told her that you never told Tony about your super abilities but who could blame you! "What do you want me to do? Walk right up to him and be like -Hey Tony, I'm a lair and I have superpowers!- Come on we need a better plan then that!" You spoke sarcastically, earning you a glare from y/bf/n. "Look y/n, you better tell him! It's not right" you knew y/bf/n was right but she doesn't know how hard it feels, she hasn't put herself in your shoes! "Y/n?!" Tony called from the door. "You better tell him" y/bf/n whispered in your ear. she began to walk to the door and pull her shoes on, "see you later y/n! Bye Tony" she said slamming the door.
"Tony, I have to talk with you"

You stood outside, in a random gorgeous field of flowers you happen to find. It was filled with billions and billions of bright flowers! It was truly a sight you would want to see, but then something pulled you out of you trans. A gust of wind came strongly from behind you, making you and the flowers fly forward! "Pietro" you said to yourself with a huge smile on your face. Then in less then a second, you were in Pietro's arm kissing his soft lips without even knowing it. "Why hello there beautiful!" He said resting his forehead on yours. You giggled as he placed kisses all over your face. "One second" Pietro disappeared before you knew it and returned with a red rose! "Where did you get this? This whole field is pink daisies!" You said in amazement. He smirked down at you, "I didn't get it from here" you pressed your lips to his, wrapping your arms around his neck, and his around you waist. The two of you enjoyed that moment in each other's arms, which reminded you what you wanted to tell him. "Pietro? What to see something pretty cool?"

"Y/n! Are you okay!? Any broken bones?! A concussion?" Wanda questioned while gentle checking your arms and legs for anything odd. "No, no I'm perfectly fine" you said with your head hung low. "thank god" Wanda said pulling you into a tight hug, kissing your head multiple times. Wanda held you in her embrace for a good 2 minutes before pulling aways. She put her hands on both sides of your face, caressing each cheek. "What in the world did you think you were doing?" She asked, looking you in the eyes. The truth was, you found out you have super abilities! You wanted to test them out when it back fired, ending up with you face planted on the hard floor! "Umm, it's hard to explain..."

Hello beautiful readers❤️

So two things about this chapter-
1. As you can see, I added Pietro and Wanda. thank you to everyone who requested it:)
2. This chapter has a part two to it! It will have what happens next and what your superpower is! Can't wait❤️

Thank you for reading-xoxo

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