26; what he does to get your attention

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Steve will give you the puppy dog eyes and it absolutely works every time! Seeing his sweet face with big sad eyes easily makes you crumble weather your mad are him or just entertained by something else.

Thor will tell a bunch of cheesy jokes in hope that one will make you giggle and then your focus will be on him. A big dorky smile will be planted on his face as he tells jokes like this~

"y/n? Do you want to hear a joke about a pizza?"

"Nevermind, it's too cheesy!"

This cheeky bastard will simply put a hand on your upper thigh! You will instantly look at him with wide eyes and slap his hand away. Oh Tony!

Clint will start placing sweet little kisses down your neck and collarbone! He knows you love it and can't resist it no matter what your doing. Clint uses this in so many other situations like when he's jealous or when your pissed off at him.

Pietro will annoy you until your forced to pay attention to him! He will run top speed around you over and over again until you let out an annoyed sigh. After he hears that he knows he won and will grab you and pull you into a kiss.

Honestly, Bruce gets super shy when your not paying any attention to him. He jumps to a conclusion that you hate him or are mad at him, which is never the case! He's to shy to even try.

Wanda will play with your hair. She'll run her fingers through and braid it and do almost anything that she thinks would get your attention!

Nat will force you to look at her by placing a finger under your chin and turning your head towards her. Nat knows that if you instantly turn you head away again your mad at her but if you don't then she knows you were just distracted.

Bucky will kiss the top of your hand like a gentleman. He will bend down and place his soft lips on hand then look up at you with his gorgeous eyes! You can never resist that.

Loki will hold you to his stomach from behind. He will come up from behind you, wrap his arms around your waist and hold you there until you give up on whatever else you were entertained by and put your attention on him.

heyy everyone! how was this? was it okay? i'm so sorry if it wasn't but I was a bit uninspired. i will work on it:)

btw yes I'm alive!!


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