35; opposing team - bucky barnes

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Note about the story;
When you happen to get stuck fighting The Winter Solider one on one, you are terrified. He has been all over the news and tons of accusations have been made towards him 'proving' how dangerous he is. As the fight goes on you come to realize he is actually very sweet and quite the flirt.


"I got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes. Y/n you want to grab one?"

'Did he even need to ask' you thought to yourself as you flew toward the grey building. You watched as two figures sprinted down the airport hall trying make it to their escape helicopter. You looked back to see the famous 'Spiderman' following you, he swang next to you trying to keep up. "I got your back" he called out making his way to the opposite side of the building, surrounding the two men inside. You looked through the glass, trying your best to stay hidden in the process. 'Flying in there like a hothead is stupid, I need a game plan' you thought to yourself. With no hesitation, Spiderman busted through the window, landing on a man with bird wings.

'Or not'

You quickly jump in after Peter, silently panicking to yourself since you have no clue what this man is capable of. Instantly you caught the attention of second man, he has long brown hair and a metal arm. Most people know him as The Winter Solider, including you. This is the guy that has been all over the news, on pretty much every channel. The entire world has been warned about how "dangerous" this man is but despite the multiple accusations towards him, you couldn't help but think about how ridiculously handsome he is. His gaze remains locked onto you as he stood there ready for you to attack. You push your thoughts of him aside, replacing your focus towards creating and manipulating electric currents. In all honesty, you can't shake the feeling of helplessness against him.

'Do I even have a chance fighting this man? Tony lost to him, T'challa lost to him, Natasha lost to him, even Steve lost to him.' you thought to yourself, the feeling of helplessness turned into fear. 'Where's Wanda when you need her?'

You finally got the courage to attack, launching multiple bolts of electricity at him hoping that maybe you could have the advantage of speed but the man swiftly dodges each of them. Instantly you fell back into a panic. 'I have no chance against him' you thought to yourself. He moved closer and closer to you avoiding every attack you throw at him.

"I don't want to fight you" the man shouted breathlessly, causing you to stop. Your eyes lock again, you examine him unsure if you should believe him. The man shook his head looking up at you as you hover above him warily. "I don't want to fight you" he repeated calmly.

Just looking at him it was clear he was telling the truth. He seems very genuine and even sweet but part of you still feels like he is messing with your head, in hopes to get you off your guard. If this is the man that the world is panicking about, can you truly be safe in his presence?

"I'm not going to hurt you, I don't want to hurt anyone" he called out to you again, interrupting your thoughts. He put his hand out and smiled at you softly, patiently waiting for you. You slowly began to sink back down to the floor, the closer you got to him, strangely the less scared you were. You gently placed your hand onto his causing the man to smile. For some reason, you feel like you can trust him.

"My names Bucky darling" he said placing a kiss on your knuckles. A smile subconsciously formed on your face at Bucky's old fashioned approach to flirting. "I'm y/n, nice to meet you Bucky" you responded. Your hands remained together and somehow became intertwined.

'This is not a evil man' you thought to yourself, feeling almost angry that such a kind soul has been deemed a criminal.

"You didn't do what they said you did" you blurted out before you could stop yourself or even think it through.


Bucky looked at you intensely before quickly shaking his head. "I didn't, I would never do anything like that" he confirmed overcome with the feeling of happiness and relief. Bucky's eyes lit up, after being seen as a monster by the public he never thought anyone could look at him for what he truly is, especially not a stranger.

Bucky's smile got wider as he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "God I feel like I know you" he mumbles into your hair. You pull back from his embrace, your eyes meet again. "I've never trusted someone so fast" you responded, you understand exactly what he is saying.

"We've never met right?" Bucky asks unsure.

"I'd remember something like that" you tease, smiling at him.

Bucky chuckles nodding his head in agreement. "You're right, I would definitely remember you doll" he responds tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. You couldn't help but blush, hearing Bucky call you 'doll' made your heart flutter.

Neither you or Bucky cared about the battle at this moment, it almost didn't exist in your minds. You felt tempted to just push it all aside and pretend it isn't happening. But you know you can't.

"I have to go" you whisper, walking towards the window you jumped in from earlier.

"Wait why?" Bucky asks following closely behind you.

You giggled at his cluelessness, then turn around to face him again. "Because, we are in the middle of a fight among our good friends that will change everything. We can't ignore it right now" you respond taking a step closer to him, your chests almost pressed together.

"I don't want to fight you Bucky" you said softly before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Good luck with Spiderman" you call out as you fly back to Tony. Bucky couldn't help but smile.

"Hey buddy I think you lost this!"


Thank you all for the insane amount of support you've given this imagine book, you have no idea how happy it makes me every time I see you guys reading these updates. x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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