stay out of trouble - peter parker

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Note about the story;
During a city crisis, you are stuck trying to help your closest friend(c/f/n) get out of a tight spot. This causes Peter to panic and forces him to expose himself as Spiderman to you. It's very cute and has lots of fluff. Featuring protective Peter Parker.

Stay out of trouble - Peter Parker

New York was in terror. A group of villains have now been brought to light and it was creating a lot of fear, fear resulting in mindless panic. You were trying your best to get home as fast as possible, but it wasn't working out. The streets were busier than they have ever been, the amount of car accidents were insane and to top it all off, you were being brutally crashed into every few seconds by some terrified citizen.

Suddenly your phone started buzzing, before even looking at the name you answer. "Hello?" you shouted trying to overpower all the craziness around you. "Y/n!" c/f/n responded panicking. "Look I'm sorry to do this right now but I'm really scared and I have no one else to call. I'm stuck inside the bank a block from your place, can you please come help me?" she said, you could tell she was crying. 'Fuck' you thought to yourself. There was no way you could say no, you would never leave her like that. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down. 'It's not time to panic' you told yourself. "I'm coming c/f/n" you said, "just stay calm until I get there". C/f/n thank'd you before hanging up.

You began running as fast as you could, unfortunately you still have a long way to go, you haven't even passed your place yet. Your phone started buzzing again, it was Peter this time. "Oh god y/n! Are you okay? Where are you?" Peter has been freaking out trying to get in contact with you. You felt relived hearing his voice, he made you feel safe without even physically being there. "Peter I'm okay don't worry about me" you shouted as you ran, dogging all the people around you. You could hear the sound of Peter pacing in his room. "I'm trying to get to c/f/n, she's trapped in the bank on 40th street. I'm heading there right now"  you yelled.

Peter began scrambling frantically through something on the other side of the phone, "nono don't you dare! Y/n, baby please just go home otherwise I'll go out myself and bring you over to my house where I know you'll be safe" Peter said panicking even more. "Listen to me pretty girl pl-" Peter shouted into the phone. Shouting didn't help though, the connection was almost nonexistent, nothing was getting through to you now. "Peter? Peter? Are you there babe?" you shouted over all the noise. You were surrounded by scared people running for their lives, things were only getting worse. The call was cut short due to the connection. You had no choice but to put your phone back in your pocket and get moving. 'At least Peter is home with May' you thought to yourself.

You felt it get harder and harder to run. The distance only seemed to get longer, you began to panic. Your anxiety really started to kick it and tears started to overflow, your vision was blurred. Things were getting out of hand, you couldn't help but mentally breakdown as you forced yourself to keep running forward. Things were getting hazy, you didn't know if it was because of your anxiety or your exhaustion. Maybe both. You continued to push forward subconsciously, feet landing aggressively on the pavement from the dizziness.

'Breath y/n, breath' you told yourself. Before you could take another step forward, an arm wrapped around your waist. Before you knew it, you were soaring. Your body jolted with fear, until you saw who was holding you. 'Spiderman'. The prominent superhero held you tightly in his strong arm as he carefully swung in the direction of your home. In no time at all, you were right in front of your bedroom window. He gently put you down. You couldn't help but stare at him in awe. You had watched videos of the famous Spiderman but you have never been this close to him. His face was inches away from yours.

"Thank you" you said softly. "-What were you thinking y/n?" he responded harshly. You look at him completely confused, why did Spiderman just call you by your name? And why does he sound so damn familiar? You cleared your throat, "um how do you-". "I told you y/n, I told you. Why couldn't you just listen to me. You scared me half to death" he cut you off, ignoring your question. "When I tell you to do something I need you to do it! All I asked as that you get yourself somewhere safe, is that so hard baby?" You finally came to the realization. The two of you stood there silent, "Peter?..." you asked hesitating. Peter grabbed his mask and slide it off his head. His hair was all messy. "Yeah pretty girl. It's me" he responded.

Peter rested his forehead on yours and closed his eyes. You've never seen Peter mad before, yet somehow despite how pissed off he was he was still being sweet and loving. His emotions took over him, he just lost it completely forgetting his secret. Resulting is him exposing himself to you. Yet in this moment neither of you felt angry, in it's place was the feeling of peace. Things were silent. You felt calm, you always did with Peter. "So, you're Spiderman" you said, Peter chuckled before brushing some of your hair behind your ear. "I am cutie" he responded, "and you're reckless yea know?". You shook your head before remembering c/f/n and panicking once again. "Fuck Peter! C/f/n! She's stuck in the bank down the road! I have to go" you shouted, heading to your bedroom door. Peter grabbed your hand before you could open it, he swiftly pulled you back into his chest. "And what makes you think you're going out there again?" he asked sternly. You tried to get to the door again but Peter wouldn't loosen his grip at all. "No y/n, I'll go get her okay?" he said. "Peterrrr" you whined. "Don't argue with me, I'll be back before you know it" he said reassuring you. Peter genuinely admired your determination but you going out there alone, tried and with no protection was just stupid. You nodded your head. Peter placed a kiss on your forehead before putting his mask back on and heading towards the window.

"Try to stay out of trouble would yea?" Peter said with a chuckle. You giggled as you playfully rolled your eyes. "See you soon pretty girl" he called before jumping out the window and towards the bank.

"Im dating Spiderman"

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to send in requests, I have a lot of free time recently and I'd love to write some for you guys x

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