i promise - steve rogers

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"Hold on tight beautiful" Steve said as he started his motorcycle. You squeezed into Steve's muscular back, resting your cheek on his shoulder blade as the wind blew your hair back. "How are you doing back there darling?" Steve shouted over the sounds around you two, you smiled and leaned towards his ear "Great Steve! This is amazing!".
It truly was a moment to remember, Steve was the love of your life and you've been together for 3 years when he finally popped the question! About two weeks ago, Steve got down on one knee and asked you to marry him! Of course you said yes and couldn't wait until you were Mrs.y/n Rogers. " excuse Mrs.Rogers" Steve spoke with a cute dorky smile. "yes Mr.Rogers?" You responded retuning the dorky smile...

"I love you gorgeous"
"I love you too Steve"

Then there was a crash and everything when black.



Steve was going crazy, he couldn't handle what was happening and what was to come! Steve sat with his hands in his hair, staring at the floor

...in the hospital

You and Steve got into an accident on the motorcycle, you got the worst of it! It was killing Steve, having to wait to see you! All he wanted was to have you back in his arms, look into your beautiful eyes and kiss your prefect pink lips. Tears continued to run down his cheeks as he thought of you and your years together. How could he ever live without you? Live without your humor, your adorable laugh, the innocence in your eyes, your selflessness, your everything. But that's the thing, he couldn't live without you! Never ever, you have to make in through! "Mr.Rogers, we have news" a man stood at the doorway, a sad look on his face. Without another word Steve forcefully got up and out of the room, heading toward the room you were placed in. "Mr. Rogers please listen" the doctor called from behind him but all he wanted was you! When Steve arrived at the door your room he took a deep breath, and slowly opened the door. "Oh god no!" Steve whispered weakly, as he stared at your broken body! Steve examined your whole body, the hair above your ear was shaved and replaced with a three huge stitchings! Your right eye was purple and right along side it was another long stitching from your eyebrow down to your top lip! Your collarbones were full of cuts, you broke your right wrist, 3 different ribs and both your legs! Steve slowly walked towards you and held on to the hand you didn't break, the hand that wears your engagement ring. "When she wakes up, she won't remember me will she?" Steve said voice slowly breaking, trying to hold back his tears. The doctor placed his hand on Steve's shoulder and nodded his head, "she'll even have a hard time remembering her childhood". Steve couldn't hold it back anymore, he cried harder then he ever has in his whole life! "No, no no no! I lost her, I lost her! Not y/n, god no please!" Steve shouted through his tears! The doctor let a few tears escape,"I'm so sorry sir, I will do all I can to help her. I promise". Steve tried to pull himself together, but he couldn't all he could do was cry. He lost his best friend, his girlfriend, his finance, his to be wife... "What happen? Where am I?" Steve's eyes shoot up, she is awake! "Hello miss, I'm doctor Evans and there's no need to panic your at Mc Matthews hospital. You were in an accident" the doctor spoke calmly. Y/n looked around the small hospital room until her eyes landed on Steve, "do I know you?". Steve forced a small smile "yes darling, you do very well". Y/n stared into Steve's eyes unsure of what to say to the handsome man. "Why can't I remember you sir?" Steve looked down again tears threatening to come out, "you hurt your head, terribly". Y/n slowly nodded her head but felt a jolt of pain! She slowly put her hand on her head, and found the stitching on the side of her head and her engagement ring. " oh my god" Y/n whispered in fear, tears falling down her face. "Y/n, I know you don't remember me but we love each other! We love each other so much that we were getting ready to be husband and wife" by this time the two of you were crying messes! "I love you Y/n and I'll fight for you but you have to promise me something" Steve gently held onto her fragile hand and placed a kiss on the top, "promise me you'll try to remember me, that you'll try as hard a you can"

You gave Steve a sad smile,
"I promise"

I'm sorry it's so long, I just got really into this imagine!This was so hard to write with a few tears so I hope you enjoyed. Please comment what you think of this imagine❤️

Thank you so much for reading -xoxo

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