imprisoned (civil war) - tony stark

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Note about the story;
This imagine takes place during Captain America Civil War. Despite being in a relationship with Tony, you are on Steve's team due to the fact that you want the Avengers to have their right to choose.  When the team gets locked way, you get caught in the cross fire. Tony comes to check on you and is determined to help you out. There's a lot of fluff but it's also sad.


Imprisoned (Civil War) - Tony Stark

"The futurist ladies and gentlemen" Clint shouted mockingly as Tony entered the room. "He knows what's best for you weather you like it or not" he continued. You, Clint, Sam, Scott and Wanda have all been locked away and kept inside one of the most intense jails on the planet. Each of you sat inside a small, heavy duty cell, the kind meant for real criminals. Inevitably, letting Steve and Bucky leave without the rest of you would result in accepting a punishment, yet you didn't expect this.

You eyed down Tony as he walked towards your cell. "Give me a break Barton, I had no idea they would put you in here" Tony responded before turning his attention back towards you. You sat down on the floor of your cell, resting your chin on your knees trying your best to remain calm. "What did you except them to do with us?" you questioned, your eyes never left the floor. Tony sighed loudly before crouching down in an attempt to be eye to eye with you. "Don't be cold towards me y/n/n" he said desperately, "look at me sweetheart". You didn't move, you continued to stare at the ground. "Just go Tony" you mumbled.

Your anxiety began to build up, you shut your eyes to put your full focus on your breathing. Deep down you knew that you wanted Tony to stay, but your thoughts and feelings were all over the place and for some reason you couldn't pull yourself together. Tony looked at you sympathetically, he felt his heart shatter at the sight of seeing you so distraught and uneasy.

Tony began to hack into the prisons AV system, he quickly shut it down allowing you two to have a real conversation. "I just knocked the A out of their AV" Tony stated instantly catching your attention. Finally your eyes met. You looked at him confused feeling wary of his intensions. "Why?" you asked as you moved closer towards Tony.

"Did you ever really think I would be against you?" he answered.

Tears began to fall down your cheeks. You couldn't hold back your emotions any longer. Being confined in such a small space separated from Tony and everyone you love was getting to your head. "What do we do now? What about Steve?" you panicked, hoping to be able to help in some way, shape or form.

"Baby take a deep breathe" he comforted helping you steady your breathing. Tony himself got very emotional. He felt helpless having to watch you break down behind a set of bars and a thick slab of glass. "I am going to get you out as soon as I possibly can" he told you lovingly, placing a hand on the glass. You nodded your head, trying to pull yourself together quickly. Despite your mental state, you were going to do everything you could to help Tony and to keep his head where it need to be. Not with you but with Steve. "You have to find Cap" you said placing your hand against his on the glass. Tony looked at you intensely, he felt guilty at the thought of leaving you caged like this.

"I can't-". "You have to" you responded cutting him off. Tony rubbed his chin with his hand, clearly stressed. He knew what he had to do, finding Steve has to be priority one. There is nothing that he could do to help you just yet. Tony gazed into your eyes lovingly, "I promise you, you won't be in here much longer". You nodded slowly, holding back your tears.

"Do you know where he is?" Tony asked.

"No, but Sam does" you responded before Tony walked over to Sam's cell.

The second Tony was out of sight, you allowed yourself to breakdown and sob. Although you knew what had to be done, it made nothing easier. You were going to be stuck here for who knows how long, and you weren't going to see Tony for a while. You wiped the tears from your face and held yourself together for a bit longer.

"I know where he's going" Tony said standing in front of your cell. You nodded again, smiling softy at him. "Good, be safe okay?" you answered.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" you echoed.

You watched as Tony left, putting all your efforts into holding back your tears.


Hello readers, I am so excited about a new imagine that I have been working on for the last couple days. It takes place during endgame and I think you guys will love it. I haven't seen an imagine like it before! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.


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