31; you can't sleep

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Note from the story;
The reader(you) is having a hard time falling asleep. This imagine is basically all fluff(except Loki's, his is kind of smut)

Imagine 31.

Wanda Maximoff;
You laid down still wide awake while Wanda slept peacefully next to you, at least you thought she was. "Something is wrong, isn't it?"  Wanda said breaking the silence. Your eyes met as she sat up from her pillow. "No why would you say that?" you said trying to reassure her. "Something is wrong" she insisted, "what is it?". Wanda softly placed her hand on your cheek, she tilted her head waiting for an answer. Wanda would often get paranoid about you, she gets insanely worried that you're not okay. "No no, nothings wrong" you responded as you smiled at her softly, Wanda instantly seemed a lot more calm. "You just can't sleep?" she asked sympathetically. You simply nodded looking down at your hands. Wanda gently pushed your chin up, eyes meeting again.

"Me too"

Peter Parker;
Peter (for the majority) was up way later than you and at this point in your relationship he was very used to your sleepless nights. "Can I do anything to help?" he asked sweetly placing a kiss on your forehead. You shook your head unsure. Petter smiled at you softly before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of bed. "Come on pretty girl, let's get you some milk and cookies" he hummed bringing you into the kitchen. Peter swiftly picked you and and placed you on the counter gently before grabbing two cups. He placed himself between your legs with a wide grin on his face, "milk or chocolate milk?". "Umm... chocolate" you answered holding the cups while Peter grabbed the chocolate milk container. He filled both cups then went and grabbed two cookies.

"Now lets get you back to bed"

Steve Rogers;
Steve would never go to sleep knowing you weren't able to. No matter how tired he was, he would stay awake and keep you company. "You can sleep Steve. You really don't have to stay up with me" you reminded him again just like you do any night like this. Steve looked up at you from his pillow, "Darling, I know you. The only nights you can't sleep are nights you are  stressed about something". Steve wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Your foreheads rested on one another, everything felt peaceful. "Do you want to tell me what's on your mind?" he asked softly, his hands moved from your waist to your hips. You shook your head slowly, not feeling ready to talk about it.

"Well whenever you do, I'm here to listen"

Tony Stark;
Tony always loved nights like these, where you are both too restless to sleep. The two of you always head downstairs to Tony's garage and have the best time. "Ou ou can I try these?" you ask pointing to a pair of metal boots similar to the kind on his Iron Man suit. Tony chuckled at your excitement as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. "I don't think that's a good idea doll" he hummed sweetly into your ear. You turned around to face him and pouted like a child. "Whyyy?" you whined playfully. He couldn't help but give you what you want. Tony chuckled again, "we'll come down here in the morning and I'll teach you how to use them, how about that?". You grinned happily as you ran back into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a kiss his cheek.

"God you are just a bundle of joy"

Clint Barton;
Clint somehow was always able to help you when you were stuck awake. He'd try anything he possibly could to help you. "I can make you camomile tea" he suggested lovingly. Clint reached out and placed his hand on your cold cheek. "Jeez you're so cold baby, get under the blankets" he said lifting the covers and leaving them over your body. You quickly got cozy. "Thank you love"  you responded smiling at him. Clint chuckled at you before getting out of your shared bed. "I'll go get you the tea baby" he said kissing your forehead as he headed to the door. "Thank you Clint" you called out before he left.

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