33; opposing team - tony stark

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Note about the story;
I got this idea to write an imagine for each Avenger in Civil War[individually] where the reader is on the opposite team to whoever you read about. In this imagine, you have never met Tony before but you are very aware of who he is and his reputation. Despite the negative things you've heard about him, you hold no judgement towards him. Recently you have been recognized by the public for your super abilities which resulted in Steve Rogers asking for your help. After hearing both sides of the argument, you agree to help. Enjoy.


You watched as Steve ran out of the shadows and into the huge open lot of the airport. He sped towards the decoy helicopter right in his eye view. Flying in came War Machine, formally known as Rhodey; alongside Tony Stark. Time and time again you have heard the name and been told the stories, sadly most weren't great stories. Yet personally you didn't understand the hate for him. The billionaire had turned his life around and you had to have respect for that. I mean even Steve has so many great things to say about him despite their 'current conflict'. Tony then landed, War Machine soon following, right on cue.

"Wow it's so weird how you run into people at the airport, don't you think let's weird?" Stark sarcastically stated, turning to Rhodey.

"Definitely weird"

Steve tried to explain that they had been deceived, that Bucky Barnes was being framed. He tried to tell him that there are more 'super soldiers'; 5 more worse than Barnes but he only could hear what he wanted to hear. Before you knew it, he was surrounded. Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panther and Spider-man, all that was missing was Vision. It got harder to watch, Cap's shield was on the arm of the Spiderman now, webs secured his hands together, and Tony landed his last threat. "Y/n! We found it, the jet is in hanger 5 north runway. Get ready for a fight." Sam aka Falcon informed you over the headset piece placed in your ear ."Here we go." You mumbled to yourself as you pulled the gloves off your cold, glimmering hands. Snowflakes danced around your finger tips as you waited in anticipation. Steve raised his arms as Clint's arrow perfectly sliced the webs off Steve's hands. You smirked to yourself. He never misses his target. Suddenly all of Iron Man's allies were in attack mode; fully aware that it wasn't just Captain America and Hawkeye that were nearby. It was all of us. Captain America, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, The Winter Solider, Falcon, Antman and me, y/n, the public referred to me as the Snow Fox .

"Alright Lang." Cap said, staring straight at Tony. I couldn't help but giggle at how nervous the boy known  as Spider-Man got.

"Hey guys something- Ahh!"

Scott sent the poor kid flying on his back.

"Your turn y/n"

For some reason excitement built up in your stomachs as you skated your way to the group of heroes. Every step you took a sheet of ice paved your path. As you circled the group at a rapid speed, fog filled the air. All eyes were on you. Most weren't aware of who you were beyond the 'new superhero' by the name of 'Snow Fox'. Once you placed yourself next to the Captain, you stood still. Ready to attack. Tony removed his iron helmet for the second time. "I'm not the only one who's been busy, huh Rogers?" Tony said chuckling. He looked you up and down. Something was drawing you to him. I mean he is cute, even with that painful looking black eye. Tony sent you a wink before smiling at you softly. He definitely was sweet. 'No, no, no. Y/n don't let your mind wander'. You needed to stay focused. No distractions, especially not something as childish as a crush. Tony stepped forward, coming towards you. He was so close you could smell the light scent of his cologne. 'Tony Stark, you are?" he asked extending his hand toward you. He had a dorky smile on his face as his eyes explored your exposed mouth and hidden eyes. The mask didn't help your vision, the details of his face still unexplored by you. 'Is he really doing this right now? In the middle of this?'. Your fingers brushed his hand, before you could open your mouth War Machine got right in the way. "Don't get distracted Stark" he whispers.

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