13; he finds out you have superpowers pt 2

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"Steve... I have to tell you something" you said nervously. Steve quickly came and grabbed your hands, bring them to his lips placing kisses on both "you can tell me anything darling". The sadness in your eyes wasn't hard to see, the thought of losing Steve is unbearable "I've been hiding something from you... you might hate me but you deserve to know" you took a deep breath in, "Get ready" Steve's face looked confused so you would show him! You backed away from him, and walked out to the balcony. "Now this may seem weird but stranger things happen everyday" Then right from your back, Angel Wings appeared! They were beautiful, all white and fluffy. Steve starred at you for a couple seconds before his handsome smile returned to his face.
"I always knew you were an Angel, my Angel" ❤️

"Y/n, tell me the truth. What are you hiding?" Oh God! You couldn't lose Natasha, you just couldn't! Tears began to form in your eyes, as you got up and out of your shared bed. "I'm s-so sorry-y Nat" you said crying, "I've been-n h-hiding somet-thing from you". Natasha quickly got up and pulled you into her embrace! She comforted you, kissing your hair over and over, "shh, shh baby. It's okay" she did this until you calmed down and once you did asked you what was going on. "Nat, I-I have superpowers. The reason I'm always so warm is because I can manipulate, control and create fire. Let me show you" Natasha unwrapped her arms from you waist so you could back away from her. When you were at a safe distance, you closed your eyes. In a spilt second, fire was in the middle of your palm! You manipulated the fire to cover your whole arm, then made it disappear. You looked up at Nat, to see she had a huge smirk on her face! She walked over to you, wrapped her arms around you waist and whispered in your ear "your such a hottie;)" Nat winked at you, earning a blush from you. "your okay with this?" You asked looking down, still red from your blushing! You felt Natasha's figure slip under your chin, making you look up "I'm so okay with this beautiful, if anything it's a turn on"

That's it... You lost it! The anger just blew up inside you, "I SAID BACK OFF Y/BF/N" but you made a big mistake in that moment! A big roar of thunder boomed from outside, then... a bolt of lighting struck! The lights began to flicker in the room, making everyone scramble with fear in there eyes! "SHES CRAZY! SHES GOING TO KILL US ALL!" Some men yelled, "YOUR A MONSTER!" You stared in horror as everyone tried to get us far away as possible from you. "What have I done? I am a monster!" You whisper to yourself, tears fell down your cheeks as you turned and ran out the door. "Y/N!" Bucky called running after you but you didn't stop. Monster, I'm a monster! You run all the way to the little beach by a beautiful ocean, where you and Bucky had your first date. Monster, I have no place. "Y/N! DARLING WAIT PLEASE!" Bucky called running in front of you. He pulled you in to his chest and crushed you in his embrace! "Your no monster gorgeous, not at all! Don't listen to those people, they were just shocked!" You kissed your forehead sweetly, whiling his metal arm held you waist tightly. "Bucky, I completely understand if you want to break up with me" you said, staring down at your feet. "Darling look at me" You couldn't thought, if he was going to say his goodbyes you didn't want to see it. Bucky put both hand on each side of your face and pecked your lips. "I would never leave you! God, I love you more then words can ever say beautiful. Okay? Your prefect!"

"I don't have a choice" you let out a big breath and prepared yourself to tell Thor! "ThetruthisIhavesuperabilities" Thor looked like a lost puppy, maybe i said that to fast you said to yourself. "Um, sorry my lady I didn't catch that" Thor spoke blushing a bit. You took in another deep breath and repeated what you said but slower. "You have superpowers?" Thor questioned rubbing the back of his neck, you simply nodded you head. "That is.... SO AWESOME!" You looked at Thor with wide eyes, not expecting that from him! You smiled at how cute he was being a nerdy, "OKAY SO WHATS YOUR SUPERPOWER? CAN YOU MAKE PLANTS GROW BY COMMAND OR CAN YOU CONTROL SNOW AND ICE?" Thor rambled on and on about your powers, you didn't even get to tell him what you could do until hours of him freaking out!

"I have to tell you something" You said, in wrapping Bruce's arms from your waist and turing to face him. Bruce gave you a gentle smile, "Anything Y/n". You bit your bottom, and decided you wouldn't explain it to him but show him! You put your hands together, squeezing them tight as a blue light shined through the open spaces between your figures! When you opened your hands, there was a flawless glass heart with Bruce + Y/N carved into it. "That's only a small bit of what I can do, but I just want you to know I'm truly sorry for never telling you before. I was scared that you would hate me for this... I'm really sorry Bruce" You spoke sincerely with very word! You truly meant what you said. Your felt Bruce's warm arms wrap around you again and felt his lips come in contact with your forehead. "I love you sweetie" "I love you to Bruce"

"What's wrong Y/n?" Clint said rubbing both of your arms. You shook your head looking down, "stop being so nice to me Clint, I don't deserve it". Hurt filled his eyes, "baby girl... don't say that" Clint grabbed your face and kissed your head. You pulled Clint hands off you and backed aways from him, "No Clint, you don't get it! I'm a lair, a fake! I don't deserve you" you said as tears fell down your cheeks, Clint stood there shocked and heartbroken from seeing you like this. "Clint I never told you before but I-I... I have superpowers. I have the ability to control the weather including earthquakes, tornados, heat waves you get the point! I'm sorry for never telling you bu..." you we're stop by Clint's lips pressed on yours. His arms slipped around your waist and yours when to his neck. "Don't scare me like that baby girl:) I love you"

"Tony, I have to tell you something" you spoke while walking towards him. "Tell me what doll face" Tony said smirking down at you while he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Umm, there's something I never told you before about me" Tony chuckled, "Your actually a Captain America girl aren't you gorgeous? Is it the stars and strips?" You giggled at you sarcastic boyfriend, almost forgetting what you were going to tell him! "Tony I have superpowers!" You said before you complete get lost in Tonys unserious-ness. Tony smirked again, "that's cool sweetheart!". He kissed the top of your head, then walked to the couch in front of the flat screen tv. You kit your eyebrows together confused, "that's all?". Tony chuckled, "yea Gorgeous, now come and watch a movie with me!"

"Pietro? Want to see something pretty cool?" You ask with a big smile on your face! "Show me beautiful" Pietro smiled back at you making you melt at how handsome he was. You took his hand and lead him to a big pine tree a few meters a way from you. "I never told you before Pietro but alike you, I have superpowers. I have the ability to walk through any living or non living thing in the world, we call it fazing!" You showed Pietro that it was a lie by fazing through the tree you took him to. Pietro run right next to you and kissed your cheek, "want to go on a run, you jump on my back and I'll run anywhere you want to go while you make sure we don't run into anything by fazing" you giggle and jump on his back. "Let's go"

"Umm, it's hard to explain..." You said playing with your fingered nervously, "I'm all ears" Wanda replied. Wanda placed a kiss to your head again and whispered in your ear "you can tell me anything babe". You didn't want to lose Wanda, never ever! She meant so much to you, but now she could walk right out the door. Tears fell down your cheeks, "baby, don't cry!" Wanda said wiping your tears with her thumb. "your going to tell me that you have superpowers, that your sorry for never telling me, and that you love me" Wanda said reading your mind. You looked down at your feet ashamed of yourself, but then you heard Wanda speck again! "And now that me tell you that it's more than okay that you have superpowers I do, I also understand that you were scared to tell me, and I love you more" Wanda said kissing your forehead:)


Hope you enjoyed this as much a I did:)

Thank you-xoxo

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