Chapter five

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Author's note: I haven't had anything on the Ark lately. I'm gonna add more of those senses in to the story, but right now they aren't important so I haven't put any in, yet.
I only dedicate chapters to my active people. (The people that read, vote, and comment on my chapters)

Dedicated to ALIEN56

Everyone was awake now, due to Charlotte's reaction to her terrifying dream. They knew they had to get a move on, to where they weren't sure. They just wanted to get somewhere safe.

Everyone started packing up their supplies, and putting them into their backpacks.

Bellamy had finished packing everything up of his. He walked over by Clarke, who was still packing.

"You okay?" He questioned. "You, know... about your dad and everything."

"I'm fine." Clarke tried her best to sound happy and perky, but she didn't do a great job. Her voice sounded more bland and frustrated.

Clarke didn't allow herself to look Bellamy in the eyes. She had finished packing her bag, but she starred at her it, trying not to look at Bellamy.

"Clarke." Bellamy said, trying to get her to look up.

She didn't look up.

"Clarke, please look at me."

Still she didn't look at him, she knew the second that she looked at him she would cry.

Bellamy brought his hands to Clarke's chin, and he lifted up her head.

Clarke didn't look up at him, she kept her eyes glued to the ground.

"Clarke, can you please just look at me?" Bellamy asked, gently.

Clarke eyes flickered upwards, at look at Bellamy. She looked him in the eyes and instantly knew she was going to cry.


Clarke interrupted. "My father's dead, and it's my mother's fault." Clarke tells him, as a tear streams down her face.

"What?" Bellamy asked, slightly taken back.

Her father was dead because of her mother?

Clarke looked away, once again. She whipped the tears from her face. Her father was he least favorite topic to talk about. In fact, when someone mentioned someone on the Ark even mentioned Jake Griffin, she got up and left.

"Clarke." Bellamy stepped towards Clarke and pulled her into a hug.

Clarke hugged him back, tightly. She began to cry, her cries sounded muffled in Bellamy's chest.

Without thinking, Bellamy gently brought his lips onto the top of Clarke's head. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

Clarke slightly smiled when he did this.

"You know when my mother was flooded and Octavia was put in jail, I was all alone. But..." Bellamy paused for a few seconds. "Your not alone, I'm not alone. We have each other."

Author's Note: I am so happy with this chapter. I love Bellarke so much. In fact, I have a separate heart for Bellarke. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. I'll be updating soon.

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